Reviews for Driven
Yearning Moon chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
*cries a river* That was what i've thought every time I rewatch the movie, i mean she seemed like she did loved him-ish x3 anyways nice story
Queen Serenity chapter 1 . 6/16/2012
Jess chapter 1 . 9/20/2009
Oh my gosh i have the urge to cry. That was really, really good. Great Job! Jess
missy betty chapter 1 . 4/29/2008
This is awesome! Short and sweet, as they say in your language. But all the same very touching and memorable. Your interpretation of the important utterances and scenes in the movie really appeals to me.

It is not a fanfic, actually, it is an amazing interpretation of the movie mingled with the feelings evoked by the film. Your thoughts presented in this short piece of writing are like my own :)

There was something deeper in the relation between Predator and Lex, something as deep as love, or even more important because it grew out of predicament and loyalty between such different creatures as a human and a Predator.

I love the way you wrote it: first your thoughts, and right after a quotation they refer to, sort of summary - a very interesting way of composition.

I wish there were more interpretations of this kind relating to AvP in fanfic. And I feel more and more encouraged to write something similar about AvP - not a story, but maybe just my own thoughts. But in English - that would be difficult ;-)

I really hope that you will decide to write something more about AvP - this one just whets my appetite for more :)
MountainBlade chapter 1 . 2/4/2008
Great ficlet :)

*Movies' endings suck. Why do predators die in all of them?..*