Reviews for A Sleepless Night
Malchus-Fireheart chapter 1 . 4/25
Great story. Very well done.
meldahlie chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
What can I say? How do you do it? You leave me choked and speechless and completely, utterly enchanted!
Reepicheep is adorable in all his seriousness and solemnity. Caspian's doubts are brilliantly drawn out. "And there didn't seem to be anything else that needed to be said."
Loved it!
Frodo's sister chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
I like this story. Repicheep did a good job of making doubt leave Caspian's mind.
Ashleigh2016 chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
I really liked it. The characters were kept in character nd that is a big thing with me.

May The Lion Be With You and His Blessings Upon You,
Neverland Child chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
Awww! For a mouse, Reep is SO caring! Great story!

Happy writing!
DS chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
Very nice story. I have read almost all of your stories and since I am too lazy to leave reviews for all of them, let me say that these are really nice stories. I enjoyed them.
LadyoftheShield chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
I love Reep, he's so honourable!

This is a cute little one-shot, I like it!
Swanwhite2 chapter 1 . 12/4/2008
This is really great. Caspian is in character and this seems like some things he really could have been feeling at this time. I love the foreshadowing to his seafaring days ahead. Great piece.
Mercury Gray chapter 1 . 6/7/2008
That last line is a killer, and highlights one of the ironic parallels that Lewis insinuates in his work with Reepicheep; that even mice, who are supposed to be very timid, can also be very brave. This is very simple, and very easy to read, and has a great message in the end. A very good piece in that regard. Nice job!
7Knight-Wolf chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Excellent work! You really got into character with Caspian. This is the type of story people call "real." And of course, it has Reepicheep in it, which gives it the immediate five stars. :)
The Halfling of the Shire chapter 1 . 4/17/2008
Amazingly well written, King Caspian! Brilliance has finally been captured, portayed, and framed (with a bronze finish and icing on top!). Welldone, and you deserve a trip to PIp's fondue place (inside joke, sorry reviewer-people!)
Princess Aravis chapter 1 . 3/30/2008
It's great, Caspian! I love it. Your writing style is very good, well developed, it flows well, the dialogue is perfect for each character, it's just, Wow! great job!

Darkeyes92 chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
this story has a really good plot line to it but, i think that what you've bascically done is rushed it. i think that the pace of the story is too quick, because of all your direct speech.

if you stopped for a moment and described the surrounding area and the encouragement that Reepicheep gives and WHY its so good.

but seriously, i really like this story
Narnia Miss chapter 1 . 2/15/2008
First off, the good.

Bravo! This is wonderful! I have no complains, this really was a joy to read, because...(bady news) I was going to write something of the same thing! Good job!
Inactive1357 chapter 1 . 2/8/2008
This is a good story - I like seeing the caspian/reepicheep interaction, which I can honestly say we don't get much of. I think you captured both their characters fairly well.

A few things: "...was only a sliver, I crescent, I remembered" - do you mean, "a sliver, a crescent"?

Also, I think the description of both the setting and Caspian's emotions could be richer. As it is the writing is rather plain - short, rather unvaried sentences. It does allow for the reader's imagination to fill in - your style seems to be more like a pencil drawing than an oil painting (not that one is better than the other - well done, they can be equally good) - but as it is it's a bit too skeletal. Add a little more colour and warmth to your writing, and it'll be great.

Thanks for writing this story, though - I really like the ending.
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