Reviews for Shadows Of The Past
Jupiiter13 chapter 24 . 4/12/2011
Pretty good! I am about to read the next one:) The only thing is...I feel that Robin would have tried harder to find Marian, ya know? Otherwise, great job!
gatewatcher chapter 24 . 3/2/2008
Another great one, Amanda! I am glad he finally confided what was worrying him. He needs to "talk" more often. Can't wait for the last part!

rhaddict chapter 24 . 3/2/2008
Very nice conclusion to this section of the fic. Liked the way they first greet eachother -without words but just touch. Can't wait for the final sequel.
Mizco chapter 24 . 3/2/2008
That was really sweet. I look forward to your sequel.
I-Hate-Bananas chapter 24 . 3/2/2008
together again, the way they should always be (take note bbc you idiots) brilliant ending

chanel xx
gatewatcher chapter 23 . 3/1/2008
OH, Robin... go grab her and give her a great big hug and kiss!
hoodie622 chapter 23 . 3/1/2008
This is lovely. I've enjoyed reading it.

"Seated in the Abbess’s room he smiled most charmingly and she melted from within and then chastised herself heavily. Not only was she a woman of the cloth and a child of Christ, he was a married man. She cleared her throat and composed herself." HAHA...I know many married women (myself among them) who are melted by Robin's smile!
rhaddict chapter 23 . 3/1/2008
Nice couple of chapters for the rescue of Marian. Good idea to have Djaq ask for shelter and be the inside"man" to assess the situation. Can't wait to read the talk about Robin's fears/dreams. Very well written.
Esmerelda Diana Parker chapter 23 . 3/1/2008
Update...this is good...wait...isn't Gisbourne coming? He's going to get there AFTER they leave right? RIGHT! Update! please...
Mizco chapter 23 . 3/1/2008
Poor Robin. He is still so full of guilt.
LittleMissMaster chapter 23 . 3/1/2008
YEA theyre reuinted :D

i love this story and i dont mean to be a pest but could u remind me how gisbourne got marian in the first place?
Esmerelda Diana Parker chapter 22 . 2/29/2008
GO ABBESS! gets out in the village and meets with Will and Robin...tells them of the plan and gets Marian and the kid free...then they humiliate Gizzy and the Sheriff...then beat them senseless...
LittleMissMaster chapter 22 . 2/29/2008
o will u be updating this tonight
gatewatcher chapter 22 . 2/29/2008
Great plan sending Djaq in! And the Abbess is going to cooperate! I hope the plan goes through. I sense it not being that easy...
hoodie622 chapter 21 . 2/29/2008
You are doing a nice job of creating suspense...

Keep it coming!
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