Reviews for Come Sail Away
Asma20 chapter 14 . 11/23/2015
i love this story please do a season 5 if possible. I love pacey and andie together. :) Can I read thed drue scene and them getting married at 18. Please I wanna read it.
Barbara chapter 14 . 7/27/2015
This was amazing. You have kept me up all night wanting to finish the story. I'm so glad the right people ended up with each other. Joey and Pacey were never meant to be in my eyes. I was so giddy when Andie and Pacey ended up together. Simply stunning.
Curlyhair93 chapter 14 . 6/12/2011
Great story. I loved this story you write so good. I love to read stories about dawson's creek an I love pacey and andie as a couple. please keep writing you are doing a great job.
TL chapter 14 . 5/22/2010
It has been awhile since you wrote this story. I have actually read it 3 times of the course of several months. This story is wonderfully written. Many may disagree with me, but this is the way the show should have ended.
tardislove chapter 14 . 9/16/2008
Hey I know its been awhile since you finished this but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading a good Dawson/Joey story. Thanks!
TrueLoveFan chapter 14 . 5/29/2008
OMB, .YOU! You married pacey and Andie! I Love You. This story is so freakin' awesome! I wished the show had ended this way. That would have made me so happy.
Countrygirl09 chapter 14 . 2/27/2008
Even though I am more of a Pacey/Joey fan, this was a wonderful story. I loved how you ended it but it would have been really cool if you had made it a double wedding and Dawson proposed to Joey in the Palazzo jsut before the ceremony. That would have been super sweet. Once again, I really enjoyed this story and can't wait to see what you come up with next!
myla84 chapter 14 . 2/27/2008
Oh my gosh, a wedding in Venice for pacey and Andie! you sure made me happy here. And you're right, they had to be married in Venice, that's the only place for them. I'm so glad you wrote this story, even if it was less popular than the other. My P/A heart is all happy now. I hope maybe someday you'll write another story about them, but I bet that you're dying to go back to P/J. Thanks again
NewCastle81 chapter 14 . 2/26/2008
"Good Lord!"

Good on ya if you know which character from The O.C. said that and the events surrounding that magnificent pronouncement.

I am giving this story five stars on my FanFiction rating list.

1 star - What were you thinking?

2 stars - Good idea but needs work.

3 stars - Wonderful. Really, just wonderful.

4 stars - I am now standing and applauding.

5 stars - Better than the television series writers could ever come up with.

In an unprecedented move I have decided to give this story four additional stars because I am now standing and applauding.

Seriously, how can you not love Pacey and Andie?
shiney1983 chapter 14 . 2/26/2008
What a nice way to end an excellent story! Although, I didn't think Dawson would have to go get Joey from Paris, I thought they'd be together, but hey you're the writer not me. This is officially my season 4 of Dawson's now, when people ask me what happened this is what I'll tell them. I had fun reading every single moment, I loved it, and I love you from thinking of all your fans and giving us what we wanted. I can't wait to see what is next in that ingenious mind of yours! Until then...I'll be waiting.
Mrs. PW chapter 13 . 2/26/2008
Great chapter. The talk between Pacey & Dawson was perfect!
shiney1983 chapter 13 . 2/25/2008
That was an amazing chapter as usual. All the references made me smile, especially the Gilmore one. Rory and Jess all the way though man! Also, how did you get Drue so disgustly perfect, I do not want to know where you had to go in your head for that one! So is that the end of my perfect season 4? If so, I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you SO much! If not, I await more. So what's next? Let me know, k? Love you as always hun! I wish I knew you in real life, you are totally me, except you're a far better writer. You better take that as a compliment too! :)
kj chapter 13 . 2/25/2008
great chapter...loved the bit at the end where they all look toward the ocean for toby...where did he go?
JB chapter 12 . 2/25/2008
Great chapter, can't wait to see what happens at Prom, hopefully now DJ can be angst-free for a bit.
shiney1983 chapter 12 . 2/25/2008
Another great chapter as always! I loved the 90210 reference and I was very fond of the little taste of Doug and Jack. I can't wait to see how you end things. By the way, if you're up to it I was thinking you should write and alternate 5 and 6 too, since we all loved this one so much. Whaddya think? Either way, I'm waiting for the end of this story and to see what you will send my way next. You know what they say: good things come to those who wait, right?
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