Reviews for A Foxy Lover's Day
Le-Anime-fan chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
Due to the rules of Grammar for Japanese verbs, 'aishiteru imas' is incorrect. You can use either 'aisheteru' or 'aishiteimasu'. Just thought I'd point that out. Loved the story itself though!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
I wonder if you have an alternative account by the name of Aquaticmage, because there was some really frightening resemblance of this fic and that person's fic "Wanted uke to my seme" published on April 18, 2007 whereas this fic of yours published on Feb 2, 2008, almost 10 months later.

www. fanfiction s/ 3495677/ 1/ Wanted-uke-to-my-seme

Since you were a popular writer so I wanted to make thing clear before assumed anything.
fangirlhaven chapter 1 . 3/31/2014
That last part...XDDD
QueenDrak0n chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
Nose bleed! This was awesome :)
KOHANAISYOURMASTER chapter 1 . 5/31/2011
(Wriggles happily as I stuff tissues up my nose.)I can never get enought of your writing, Alrye-sama!XD
Rei Uta chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
50 chidoris? That's murder! -_-'''
Aiseki0Hikari chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
Om my 0/o lolz too intense for me ;) but I still wuv it x3

Oh! I luv da part where Naru-chan said "I'll-I'll commit

suicide by eating caramel and vanilla ice cream!"

Lolz dat was soo kawaii *hug naruto pushie*

Sasuke: -glare-

Me: *hand over da naruto pushie*

Sasuke: -hug pushie; walking away-

Me: ...not even a ty

Sasuke: -stop&glare- Uchiha don't say Ty 2 any1

Me: *sweatdrops&whisper* Naru-chan help!

Naruto: -sweatdrop- keep me out of dis -leave-

Me: Meanie *pout* -remember something- *blush*

I..ah nvm *still blushing* J-Ja ne :3
crzyanimemom chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
This one is fun. Who do you like to drive crazy more Sasuke or Naruto?
LittlePorcelain chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
Mah! I could of sworn I already reviewed to this!*blink* Ah, well- that was great!
Amberrrrr chapter 1 . 7/10/2008
haha love this one

even though i am a little lost with the characters

but im getting the hang of it. i love how there is a starbucks there too! damn monopoly system, and yes i would commit suicide eatin vanilla caramel ice cream. its the best to numb problems of the heart. oh if you're coming over tomorow call me cuz i need to go to an eye dr appointment so it might take a while.
ShadowfireNightblade chapter 1 . 4/19/2008

Shade: ...Please ignore the idiots, that are currently dieing of nose-bleeds...
Mrs Hatake Itachi chapter 1 . 4/11/2008
Nice story!
Ilamay chapter 1 . 3/31/2008
So sexy and cute at the same time. Thanks for writing it. :)
firedragonmaiden chapter 1 . 2/28/2008
My goodness, it is a bit messy
Emily chapter 1 . 2/21/2008
ah your reputation for being in everyone one of your stories lives on.
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