Reviews for Clever Child
TheSeacat chapter 1 . 10/3/2011
This was brilliant. Very Izuka.

...I don't really have much feedback to give. I personally couldn't find anything wrong with it.
The Cold Goddess chapter 1 . 5/8/2011
This piece has been featured in The Cold Goddess, a Fire Emblem fanfiction review blog.

Zenndra chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
Finally, I say, finally!

Someone who understands Izuka.

He is my favorite character, anyway.

Thank you for such an in-depth portrait of Izuka.
Katah chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
Very, very creepy. I loved the tone of the narration. Izuka was always a budding serial killer, wasn't he?
Aquatic-Idealist chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
A fic on that monster. Very, very interesting.
MilesTailsPrower-007 chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
"...with eyes like a starved weasel..." is my favorite part. That's hilarious! I laughed out loud at the wording and how flawless the mental image was.

Initially, I didn't really understand the informality of the tone of the writing. It seemed kind of misplaced until it clicked with the constant theme of orphan perspective. That was well done. The whole idea was good, really. Characters like Izuka and Duke Tanas and the like are really strong in their own scary, loopy way, and get hardly any attention for it.

(Well, Tanas gets more than Izuka.)

Very solid piece! :B
dont look at me you will die chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
I like your story. It portrayed his eccentricities pretty well, especially what he might've been like as a child. I would also stay away from someone if they rolled around with cow carcasses (and enjoyed it). Izuka evil.