Reviews for Chaos amongst them
shootingstar742 chapter 7 . 3/2/2011
i wanted eric to find taylor:(
shootingstar742 chapter 5 . 3/2/2011
it kind of sounds like eric is doing this only for the glory, not taylor
shootingstar742 chapter 4 . 3/2/2011
yeah eric you fight for your girl!
shootingstar742 chapter 3 . 3/2/2011
imma be honest, im just skimming for eric. i kinda only care about him. but i do this for all the stories i read.
Kacee chapter 11 . 10/4/2008
I loved this story! So well written, and very descriptive with a great storyline. One of my favourite stories I've read on this site! ) Just a bit of constructive criticism for you: There were a few grammar mistakes which were repeated throughout the story- Sometimes you just used the wrong version of a word, for example 'to' when you should have used 'too', 'their' when you should have used 'they're' and 'were' when you should have used 'we're', etc. There were some problems with the tense you used- mainly the trouble differentiating between 'saw' and 'seen'. "She sighed when she seen the fire pit" should have been "She sighed when she saw the fire pit" and "..looked over at Daley and seen she was doing the same" should have been "..and saw she was doing the same." In some places commas could have been used, and fullstops also to add variation to the sentence structure, ie making two simple sentences out of a complex sentence to spice things up a bit! )A few spelling errors also: 'Defiantly' should be 'Definitely', and 'wither' should become 'whether'. But it was mainly just simple grammatical mistakes which did not affect the story too dramatically, so I wouldn't worry much about them. On to the positives: Where do I start? There were soo many great things about this story which more than make up for the little mistakes! Firstly, the storyline was great, one of my favourites. You're a talented writer, very descriptive, which I love! I really liked your use of the songs in this story. I think it fitted really well and added a different element, which is good, so well done for that. Lastly, I think the way you portrayed the characters was excellent. Very life like, it actually made me believe that the characters were the same as in the tv series. Keep up the good work, I loved this story and I really hope you're seriously considering writing a sequel? That would make my day! ) By the way, sorry this is so long! I have a habit of getting a bit into my reviewing, and writing down every single detail I can think of. But I hoped this helped )
TheQueenOfMe chapter 11 . 4/30/2008
this story is really really great i liked it

My Darker Side chapter 4 . 3/7/2008
Decent story but PLEASE:

Almost every time you use 'seen' you should be using the past tense 'SAW'. The same for wasn't and weren't. You have quite a few tense problems.

You also need to learn the difference between were and we're, your and you're, then and than, to and too.

Also, use a dicitonary so you use the correct words: wither vs. whether, bare vs. bear, whipped vs. wiped.

The word is abyss, not abysses and answers not answerers, himself not his self, herself is one word.

I won't even talk about commas.

Sorry but these grammar problems interfere with reading and are distracting from a pretty good story.
Aveina chapter 10 . 3/4/2008
An add-on to my review for the last chapter, since half of it got deleted. Sorry about that.

I'm really glad that you did have anyone die and that they managed to work it out. I also liked the hints of Taylor and Jackson, though you didn't come right out and say anything. At least, I think you meant for there to be hints? If not, my mistake. :d

Personally, I'd love to see a sequel, even if it's just an epilogue-type thing. It would be nice to see what you think would happen to them after such major events, along with whether or not Lex's splints worked. I don't think a sequel is totally necessary, though. ) The story would still be great on its own, I think.
Aveina chapter 11 . 3/4/2008
I have to say, the ending was adorable.
dramaqueenchris405 chapter 11 . 3/4/2008
aw its over. i realy loved this tsory.

great ending i liked the taylor&Jackson stuf.

loved it.

good job
lkroa chapter 11 . 3/4/2008
It ended?

That sucks.

Too much TJ for my liking.

It was a good story.
walkingdisaster6 chapter 9 . 3/2/2008
Nice. Poor Taylor, hope she's alright.
naturallysadie chapter 9 . 3/2/2008
i REALY like this! awesome job! :)
dramaqueenchris405 chapter 9 . 3/2/2008
love it so far, i loved how Jackso nwas so good with Lex in teh last chapter. aw

please update soon! i hope Taylor is okay.

loved all the detail!
lkroa chapter 9 . 3/2/2008
ttly cool

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