Reviews for Champagne
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
Aww man. This is so sad. I really like the interplay between these two, seeing how they deal with each other when they both have bad days. Also, the balance you struck for Alfons' liking Ed but not believing his stories was written very well. Nice job, I really liked this one. :)
coli narago chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
oh, that's depressing... I LOVE IT! I totally think that you should continue this. Make like an alternate movie ending. Where Ed goes home and manages to she Alphonse his world. This one bit, could be the beginning of a fantastic legend of a story.

goldacharmed chapter 1 . 1/4/2010
Wow, this is really really good. And really well written. I loved it so much! I really did. Great job, and please, keep writing! Later dude.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
Very sweet, and very poignant. I feel sorry for the both of them, stuck in such a difficult situation.
XxXpassionatemuseXxX chapter 1 . 3/26/2008
Really sad story. I always burst out crying when I think about Ed being separated from Amertris and everyone there and even at the end of the movie when Al and Ed were back together I was bawling my eyes out because it didn't seem fair after everything they'd been through.

Great story.

Xylia Luna Orion
Hufflepuffagus chapter 1 . 3/12/2008
aww, poor Alfons, how sad for him! This last line is a bit surprising and also saddening. But does wrap up things okay.

Some of the fic is written such that I don't know who's talking. You m ight want to watch out for that in later works.

For a grammatical point, when someone thinks, you do it either in ''s OR in italics, not both. :)

Also, Damn it is two words and dammit is one. Same with All right-I never believed it until it was beaten into me, but it's actually two words, most kids just misspell it when they're young and never get corrected.

The idea for this fic is really nice. I really like the paragraph where Ed is talking about the life he wants. However, it took me a long time to figure out Ed was saying it-not until the next paragraph, in fact. _ ;;

I am a bit confused about how Ed not only cleaned but got to this state too-he HASN'T found any breakthrough actually, correct? I'm not sure, with what Alfons has said.

This is a nice little story! Thank you for posting it.
Tia Ordona 23 chapter 1 . 2/26/2008
Wow...this was really well-written! I enjoyed it! I love how in-character both Alfonse and Edward were. It wasn't like a mushy yaoi story where Edward LOVES Alfonse and he LOVES our world when he should, in fact, love his. Sorry, I'm rambling a bit, aren't I?

Thanks for writing!
Took-Baggins chapter 1 . 2/24/2008
that was awesome! aw man, there's not nearly enough brotherly!EdHei out there. most of it's yaoi, so it's nice to see one that isn't like that.

but yeah, this was really good. poor Alfons, though, i guess he can't help feeling like a replacement sometimes.