Reviews for Almost Home, Country Roads
mtnikolle chapter 3 . 3/6/2013
I hope that you are still planning to finish this one at some point. The characters and situations that you have a pretty interesting.
chocolander chapter 3 . 1/5/2013
whoa, mori is super ooc, with all the impulsive kissing and verbal expression of his insecurities, though it's cute in a way. I've always thought mori to be the epitome of taciturn and self-restraint, so I hope you can elaborate more on why he is so anxious to prove his love. but the premise of the story is still intriguing; I want to find out what haruhi investigates and I expect to see some twist or major shocking event, you hear me? tee hee :) so please update and satisfy my curiosity!

ps. kyouya and haruhi are quite in character :) love their interactions :) the scene where kyouya closes in on haruhi literally at the filing closet and tells her not to hide from him just melts my brain into a messy pool of mush :)
Kit Kat Wondaland chapter 3 . 3/3/2012
Mori's gonna win I just :)
Kit Kat Wondaland chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
Oh I hope its Mori who wins her heart. Oh I'm so excited. Cause I'm team Mori bishes. And if not Mori then maybe kyoya. I dunno.
DarkRavie chapter 3 . 8/11/2009
I like your fic and look forward to reading your next chapter. I wonder, Mori doesn't know Haruhi well and already saying he loves her? In my opinion, Haruhi should be with Kyouya.
PhoenixBlade chapter 3 . 7/27/2009
After reading Unexpected Endeavors, I stumbled across this story because aside from Inuyasha, I love Ouran Host Club as well! It's a really good story and I hope to read more soon!
Muzixfox chapter 3 . 6/28/2009
I adore this story! I cannot wait to see what happens next.
RandomDream chapter 3 . 5/19/2009
Sadly, next week never came. I implore you to update this soon. It's so good. :) And I simply love Mori. And Kyouya. :)) Please? This idea is brilliant.

vmailer chapter 3 . 4/21/2009
oh...I missed this story! _ and Kasanoda debuts! _ yay! _

Wow, Mori's really announcing his intentions, huh? _ I sorta feel bad for Mori since he's the one who's at the awkward moment. (first it's kyouya, then hatori, and now finding out the yakuza is interested and ahatori blood scene...poro mori! _)

Please update soon!
Suzakugrly chapter 3 . 4/16/2009
Well, this is one of the only Ouran AU I've ever enjoyed. I would love to see more. Especially since Mori/Haruhi is my absolute favorite pairing. I'd love to see the story end that way, too :D

Oh, one little thing: "matsuri" is usually translated to "festival". So any festval is called matsuri. For example the Evening Festival in Chichibu (near Tokyo) is called "Yoru Matsuri". So, yeah, a summer festival would be natsu matsuri.

Either way, I really enjoyed this story. So please keep writing and updating. :) I love how all the characters are weirdly somehow in character (well, Mori is a little OOC but that's ok, I like the way you portray him) even though this is an AU. So, please keep up the good work :D
The Dragon Guardian of the Sea chapter 3 . 4/14/2009
You mentioned there might be OOCness. Well yeah. Hatori seems like Hatori in most ways except personality. And Mori is more... boyish and aggressive. This doesn't mean it's a bad thing though. I'm really curious about what you have planned for this story.
falling.petals chapter 3 . 4/11/2009
Yay! :) That's so awesome. I don't think I've ever read a story with Mori being so forward before, but I like it, 's cute. I also love how you brought Hatori in, though from what I recall (and I haven't watched Fruits Basket in a year so I may be wrong) he's pretty OOC isn't he? But for the purpose of the story, he's perfect.

Also, we haven't seen the twins or Tamaki much. Are they going to be love interests too? Well, I suppose that'll come up in future chapters. Just one suggestion, maybe you could run your story through spell-check? The typos aren't major but there were some in the beginning of a couple of the chpaters. Otherwise, please continue. I'd love to read more!
krystal chapter 3 . 4/10/2009
oh this story gets interesting. i am lovin it so far cant wait to see what happen next. plz write
Udalumis chapter 3 . 4/10/2009
This story has become one of my guilty pleasures. I'll reread it while I'm waiting for updates because it always makes my day better. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of AU stories, this story works for me somehow. I'm glad we got another chapter, for awhile I was afraid you'd abandon it and I'd have to hunt you down to explain the rest of it to me over tea or lunch while I none so subtly try to convince you to continue it (not like that's kind of stalkerish or anything). I always appreciate when people put time and effort into their stories to make them the best they can be rather than simply putting out half-assed product that is hardly legible.
HugsForPenguin chapter 3 . 4/10/2009
Hee hee he! XD This story makes me giggle X3

It's slightly cheesy in a cute way, and I find it adorable and funny (in a good way!) to read.

As for the characters:

I like how you've depicted Kyouya. He's very slightly out of character as far as him coming in such close contact with Haruhi, but you write those quirks into his existing character very well.

Mori is a too out of character for my liking though. He overreacted in a major way in this last chapter. It would have been more appropriate for him to have perhaps simply left the room with a less-than-pleased look on his face, and have Haruhi follow him to try to explain the situation. But at the same time, it's quite interesting to follow, and I won't mind outbursts so much as long as he's still mostly in his usual, calm state of being.

Bringing Tamaki's tendency to refer to Haruhi as his daughter felt a bit too much like you were trying to superimpose that aspect of the original story over this somewhat AU story instead of creating a connection between the two in a more creative way. I would love to see more Tamaki action (and I suspect it's coming :D) where their interactions don't feel like they were copied from the original story, at least not entirely. Basically, his declaration of being Haruhi's "father" should probably be cut out. It just feels too...overused, I guess is the word for it. That and he did this right after meeting her. Tamaki is a spontaneous, emotional creature, certainly, but...that's just a bit over-the-top XD I'm REALLY curious as to how their interactions will go though! Tamaki is personally my favorite OHSHC character, and as a fangirl, I do hope he gets some kind of lovin' :'D ;)

The twins! We need MOAR! XDD But just as a friendly reminder to keep them in character, I'd say to keep their attitude about people in general for a while-that everyone apart from themselves are outsiders and/or toys-and that they apply that attitude to Haruhi until they are given a reason to think otherwise about her. She really doesn't mean anything to them at this point other than that she's new, and possibly entertaining. I honestly think that you have captured them well so far, but until Haruhi manages to unlock the gate into their world, so to speak, they need to stay somewhat distant.

Overall, this story is adorable, and I will be watching it! :) I feel that you've done a very good job overall, it's just those odd parts here and there with the characters that bug me a little. I can't wait to see who Haruhi ends up with, and witness the journey there!

Hoping to see an update very soon,

-Andrea Tyler
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