Reviews for Mr T's Birthday
bellovettrix chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
It's so amazing. Mrs. Lovett always fascinates me. Her cheeriness and chattering is somewhat endearing. Love it! XD
theimpracticalgirl chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
This is adorable! It's very well written, too. Nice job, mate!
Hordepally chapter 1 . 9/20/2008
Ah I love it! Your writing is so vivid, I could visualize the scenes in my head like a movie. The accents were also a very nice touch. Such a charming story.

I hope you plan on writing more as I would love to read more from you.
An Onymous chapter 1 . 8/6/2008
Solid story. Well written, captures the characters. ;) Devryn is totally awesome for writing this story, and I demand more!
Winnywriter chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
Sweeney Todd fanfiction perfection! Absolutely wonderful! At first, I thought the candle snuffer was going to be some integral part of the story, but I forgot all about it until you mentioned it at the end!

That was probably the best oneshot ever read by these eyes! Haha! Funny too! I also like how you wrote out thought-processes with accent like speech.

Anyway, AWESOME story! (Though I know, I've said it before!) I'd like to read more from you!
LeeW chapter 1 . 3/10/2008
What a fun, light-hearted story- not very easy when the subject is Sweeney Todd! Your characterizations for the Sweeney and Nellie are spot-on and the interactions seem right out of the film. Wonderful job!
Jeemers chapter 1 . 3/8/2008
Wow. I had been looking forward to this story for ages (j/k), and it was well worth the wait. It made me laugh and brightened my day. I love how you got Sweeney perfectly (love, love, loved the candle-snuffer bit!). Your Lovett accent was very easy on the eyes, and everything else was just wonderful. I heart this story! Five stars, ten out of ten, two thumbs up and all that jazz.

Oh, and I agree with rockstop57! Mr. Fredericks/Mrs. Bernshaw OTP!
maybesomedaysameen chapter 1 . 3/8/2008
I love how the grocer is used to Mrs. Lovetts random requests, That is so probable to actually happen!

And i love at the end how all mr todd is thinking about is the candle snuffer!
rockstop57 chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
I heart you, dear! Alas, I must be the bearer of bad tidings to your other reviewers, as I can personally attest to the amount of painstaking, time-consuming labor that went into this story (including the necessity of typing with a nearly-severed finger, lol), having had to wait for it in anxious antici...pation myself.

But the result, of course, was worth it. Much, much awesomeness! I've already told you, but I think the characters are spot-on. And all the references to the various songs were fun. Mrs. Bernshaw and Mr. Fredericks HAVE to come back if you write more in this genre. In fact, they should totally get together. Right. Now.
Ruthless chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
Verry nicely done. Everyone was in character, particularly Mr Todd, with that last line. Hope to see more work from you in the future. You have the talent.
NotUpdating chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
I love it! It's sweet. Like a cake.

andaere chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
Aw, very cute oneshot! It was also very in character, which I find hard to do. Your writing style is very unique, writing in the way the characters talk (I hope you get what I'm saying... like 'e, 'im, instead of he and him). The dialogue was also belivable, and the descriptions were marvellous! Great job! )

Hmm, I wonder where that candle snuffer went? xD

I hope we'll see more Sweeney Todd fics from you!
All The Good Names Taken chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
You captured the characters perfectly! It was lovely to read and very well written.
pinkeop chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
Aah! That was simply adorable and amusing and just delightful! I love your writing style- you do Mr. Todd very well. It was very in character. And Toby! Cute little Toby. I like how you mentioned Mrs. Lovett talking to herself and how she was chaotic in the kitchen- it does seem very Mrs. Lovett-like, a woman always moving, always on the go.

Very nice, all in all. I enjoyed it. ] Keep it up.