Reviews for Wouldn't have changed it for the world
TanjaO chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
Oh wow! That was an awesome story! I really loved how you wrote it in Sam's POV. And then you got me all teary eyed with Grace's POV. This is definetly going on my favorites list! By the way ... did you ever finish the bathroom scene or posted it somewhere? Or could you send it to me please ;-). Anyways ... I 'm off to read more of your stories :-)

All the best

Misao-chan3 chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
Hi ! I've just finished reading your story and I absolutely LOVED it !

It is so romantic, so sweet and nevers falls in the cliché category which is rare for SG fanfictions I think

The first part of your story aka the date and developing relationship, is very good. I really liked the phone call during the party and the date was cute. I enjoyed reading it.

As for the last part of the fic aka life after, was very well thought. Thanks for letting them have a baby of their own, I know that many authors don't like to do it because of all the charlie episode but I think it could be a good therapy for Jack and you managed to transcribe it perfectly.

So thank you for this wonderful and very long one shot ! I'll go and check your other stories now :p


Misao, a french girl, SG fan, Sam Jack shipper !

PS - I would be interested by the adult story occuring in the bathroom so if you have written it and not posted it on ffnet, do you think you could send it to me ? :p I'm naughty I know ! But proud of it !
liln2020 chapter 1 . 8/2/2009
great story!

very creative! (:
Missing Linka chapter 1 . 6/10/2009

I'm crying ... And not for the first time while reading it ...

It's so beautiful!

I liked that they had Gracie ... and her baby brother ...

There were so many beautiful scenes ... like when Gracie was holding her little brother ...


God bless you!

laura sally chapter 1 . 5/15/2009
hi love the story i have add it to my favs and i have to say the most sweet story ever please send me the sex scence coz i would love to read it coz i just love sam and jack and i think they should be together

this is my email


plz send to me when you have finshed writing it
wtd-lao-csibuff chapter 1 . 6/18/2008
wow oh wow...this story is incredible...

it was just so wonderfully and beautifully written! excellent to say the least!

made me cry to as im quite emotional today! you have done a very superb job and it must have taken a long time as well!

so a very much congratulated well done to you!


Jo x

p.s. favourited!
The Creeping Spleen chapter 1 . 3/17/2008
Congratulations, you have suceeded in making a grown man cry.
JFreak1334 chapter 1 . 3/16/2008
OH gosh yes talk about fluff!


I can't say how much this...

*burst into tears*

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Kee..eep it-t up-p-pp! :D :D *sniffs*
Disneynut chapter 1 . 3/8/2008
It is good to see you writing again. Hope all is well with you this new year of real life work and writing.

I would like to see the omited shower scene. What the heck why not add a bit more length to the already long story.

Looking forward to seeing some updated on some of your other work. I know time for relaxation is short and far between due to real life, so I hope that you can enjoy yourself.

sg1mushroom chapter 1 . 3/8/2008
WOW all i got to say hope you get a;; the meaning from it just cant form words so ... WOW!
locardxchange chapter 1 . 3/8/2008
Well a another great story. I love your work, it is very enjoyable and everyone need's a feel good story. But a couple of things tho; you did say what happen to teal'c? Sarah instead of vala (I don't she was great) And the last thing, I from a big time military family, mostly army and I mean a big time military and I have to tell you that the word proud isn't what you feel when you see your love one get the purple heart. I mean there is a little of that in the feeling but you don't feel only pride, it is more of a bittersweet feeling, with lots of feelings mixed in.

But like always I will look forward to reading more of your writing.
Dreaming of Jack chapter 1 . 3/6/2008
wow... you know you just dissolve me into a puddle with your stories... this is no exception.. fantastic, sad, beautiful...
DeniseM chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
Loved it and I so agree with the title. Thank you for a great story.
SammieAtHome chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
It was a wonderful story and loved the journey you showed us. the journey the led and like they said..wouldn't change it for the world...
Leilina chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
W O W ! :-) Sweet, poignant, and so very THEM! I loved it! I love your writing! Keep it coming!

If you're still interested in a Beta, I would be honored!

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