Reviews for The Odd Couple
Tseu Tsumi chapter 2 . 5/2/2008
OMG! This was the cutest sweetest thing I have ever read. You totally have turned me into a RachetClank fanboy. i love his pairing now. You rock! Great work. Now I'm off to look for Rachetclank fan art and squeal.
Raven Sforz chapter 2 . 3/12/2008
Gosh, this was so beautiful! *w*

The ending, specially, I feel it was absolutely perfect.

And...some of them made me giggle. Tee hee!

Can't wait for the next set! X3
ThoseSoundsAtNight chapter 1 . 3/9/2008
*squee* OMG, I love you. If I could, I would hug you right now, so instead I'll give you a cookie.*gives you a cookie*
Raven Sforz chapter 1 . 3/8/2008
Perfect. Just perfect.

I loved every bit of this :3 It made me smile, it made me laugh, and it made me go all fangirly and stuff, too. It was siply perfect.

My personal favourites were "Innocence", "Clouds" and "Supernova" xD Specially the last one. And I found the "Sex" one very poetic...and sexy! ;)
Saya Aensland chapter 1 . 3/8/2008

I love 50_sentences fics. I love Ratchet/Clank. You made a 50_sentences fic of Ratchet/Clank. I reiterate, SQUEE!

Also, w00t for allusions to the two having sex! *is a perv*

Fuck, I've been waiting forever for someone to do fics/snippets of them being domestic or their life between adventures. And so in-character, too! This is just the thing to scratch my itch.

*goes back to making obnoxious high-pitched noises*