Reviews for O'Neill Family
sylvelle chapter 3 . 10/29/2018
I liked Alex with you hadn't killed her.
VampirateLycan1 chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
Rereading this 10 years later I am afraid that I am going to have to reconsider my previous review. Especially as my memories of this story were, apparently, very rose tinted.

There are many grammar mistakes which are quite jarring when trying to read the story, and the likelihood or having all twins, and then them having all twins as well is extremely unlikely, almost impossible.

I also do not like how you have portrayed Sam at all in this story, I didn't remember the rape going into the re read and when I reached it, it just felt so out of place, and then out of left field she misscaried?! I'm sorry but you didn't even tell us she was pregnant. Which would also be unlikely due to the birth control they are on.

Also, if she had miscarried at the point that it was a noticeable misscaried I am 98% certain she would have to go to the hospital.

All in all this has the potential to be a really interesting story, however, the grammar and spelling errors (through not thru), the pacing and the sheer unbelievably, and bad characterisations really let it down.

Side note: I believe the Irish Air Corp dress uniform is blue and the army is green. I could be wrong, but please don't put an author note in the middle of a sentence.

All in all, I am giving up on the re read now. I hope this was more constructive than...ranty? It was not meant harshly.
Guest chapter 20 . 10/31/2016
I really enjoyed your fic. It was fairly well written, but did have some grammar issues.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/31/2016
You do realize the impossibility of all twins right? And I don't mean just Jack and his siblings, I'm also referring to the fact that all of THEIR children seem to be twins.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/31/2016
If you can't get they're, their, and there straight, expect to get negative reviews. There are a few other grammar errors in this chapter, but not too bad.

I'm really enjoying the story, and I can easily understand Sam not wanting to tell anyone. We all know how smart and capable Samos, and it is for that reason she wouldn't want to tell anyone about the abuse. She would see it as a failure on her part of she asked for help.
Guest chapter 2 . 10/31/2016
You didn't say anything about this being AU, so the comments made by the anonymous reviewer were legitimate. You should have stated at the beginning of chapter one that you muddled things around.

Also, if you ask people to review, you can't complain if you happen to get a bad one.
Motherduk chapter 20 . 2/5/2013
Just when I thought I'd read all the Jack/Sam stories I found this one. Well done great story. :-)
Schatze8210 chapter 20 . 4/28/2012
Very nice story. Lots of character depth and strong story line. Sad for what Pete did to Sam, but glad that she and Jack got together. Nice touch having so many of the characters having met/known each other!
MadaMag chapter 11 . 12/10/2010
Lost patience...
MadaMag chapter 7 . 12/10/2010
You know there are so many parts in your story that are wrong in biological, psychological, military, law and other ways...

I can only say: s***w it, let's see what is next :D
PatriciaCO chapter 20 . 6/16/2010
This was an amazing story. Loved getting to meed the O'Neill family. It was great the way you worked in all of Jack's former/current co-workers married to all of his siblings. You could start your own miniseries just going through the life/courship of the family. Hmmmm "The O'Neill Family Series" Sounds like a fun project.
Shadows-of-Realm chapter 20 . 3/8/2010
That was great! Grammer much better!
jamtd chapter 20 . 12/13/2009
Hey that was really good a bitgrim in some bits but a mhaith sceal to.

Just one question, Ca bhfuil teaighlach O'Neill sa Eireann?
Wynnara chapter 20 . 9/8/2009
I really loved this write a sequal?
Emmer chapter 20 . 2/20/2009
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