Reviews for If Walls Could Talk
Guest chapter 5 . 8/4/2014
Would SOMEONE please please get in touch with this author and ask them to complete this story or someone please finish it, it's killing me to find out the end.
Brains-in-a-nutshell chapter 5 . 4/26/2011
I know there's like zero chance of you returning to this fic, but GOD I wish you would! I love it to bits and pieces. And I know that it'd be overflowing with wonderful reviews if people didn't feel that reviewing would be pointless since it's been almost 10 years since an update.

But oooohh how sorry I am that this story isn't and will probably never be finished
Julia chapter 5 . 8/24/2004
I know it's been 2 years but anyway I am going to ask: Would you please continue this? The story is fun reading and recently there are fewer and fewer Mondler stories and I really miss them.

I 'd be a shame not to finish this :-)
Emma chapter 5 . 8/6/2004
I was just wondering if you were going to add another part to the If Walls Could Talk story. I've loved it so far and am so keen to see what happens next!
jen chapter 5 . 4/24/2002
This is a great story, is it going to be continued at all? (plz say yes)
Anonymous chapter 1 . 1/19/2002
That was good. Just for your information, Same Time, Next Year stars Alan Alda, not Dick VanDyke.
Ex-Instructor Quistis Trepe chapter 5 . 1/19/2002
Ooh...KINKY! I like this so far. You must write more. Tis good...
Screamingtruth chapter 5 . 1/18/2002
I am glad you are back writing, can't wait to read why the affair has to end :)

Daphne chapter 5 . 1/18/2002
Love it.
ashley chapter 5 . 1/18/2002
I LOVE this fic. Please continue!

Lucy H chapter 5 . 1/18/2002
Well, kinda untraditional, but I do love this fic. I don't know if I've reviewed it before, but its great!

BeMyFRIENDS chapter 5 . 1/18/2002
Hey! You got the 5th part up. I loved it. You are going to get the next one up at least a little quicker though, right?
C4M chapter 5 . 1/18/2002
That was really good, worth the waiting, but hopefully you wont take as long to post the next parts. Really well written, please continue soon.
SFGrl chapter 5 . 1/18/2002
I LOVE this series! You gotta'll be interesting too see how everything goes during the Kathy-thing as well.
Ez chapter 5 . 1/18/2002
You got to continue - the Prologue was very intirguing..I want to know what happens to lead to the Prologue - their last time together...

You are so creative and you have managed to link it with actual events.

Don't give up yet...
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