Reviews for Man Down
Guest chapter 1 . 10/12/2018
I really liked it..write more..
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
Oh. My. Word. You nailed Joshua perfectly! And Alec was nailed down pat too. I love both of these characters - they're really my favourites of the show, so it's really thrilling to find someone who can nail them like this. Trust me. You nailed them. Both.
cymraes chapter 1 . 7/10/2010
am amazed to read that you didn't watch, as I did, avidly, and this is lovely, Joshua's voice is spot on
may7fic chapter 1 . 1/20/2009
Lovely effort. I always ache for the innocense and loneliness that is ever present with Alec. I love that, on the show, he grew to treat Joshua respectfully and as a man, and that Josh loved him for it. Their relationship was wonderful and you've portrayed it beautifully here.
heartfallen chapter 1 . 11/9/2008
I really enjoyed reading this. Excellent story
Majka chapter 1 . 4/27/2008
Beautiful and heartbreaking fic. The way you explained why is Alec 'always alright' was ingenious and, hey, maybe you're right?

And I love Alec - Joshua interactions, they are so great together. I hope you'll write some more about them.
Kansas42 chapter 1 . 4/26/2008
I think that's pretty damn decent for never having seen the show. ; ) I like this. It's refreshing to find good Alec fics-somehow, it always seems to be this tortured Alec/Max love thing which is okay but not really what I'm into. But I like how you depict Alec and Joshua's friendship. Nice job.
Kalira of the flames chapter 1 . 4/15/2008
Really cute and beautiful fic. The thing I regret most about Dark Angel being canceled is the lack of exploration into Joshua and Alec as characters; something the writers would have had more freedom and time for if they had gone into a third season.

I didn't think Alec was out of character because he does seem to act different around Joshua, or at least let his guard down more than he does around Max and the others. Which is confirmed when Joshua shows Max his painting of Alec and tries to explain his deeper character.

This fic really shows their bond as friends. It was heart breakingly sweet and well done.
heraldtaliar chapter 1 . 3/28/2008
That was so very very good! I'm a huge Jensen fan and only watched this show after watching repeats of Supernatural stopped being enough to keep me going. :) I'm surprised you haven't watched the show, because you did capture Josh quite well. I admit, I've only watched two that Jensen wasn't in, but I still can pretty much follow it from just watching Alec and his twin Ben. Anyway, Joshua and Alec's friendship was my favorite relationship to watch on that show. And I'll thank you for writing a rare Alec fic that didn't turn into some shipper for him and Max, who IMHO treats him like dirt. _~ I also read your heartbreaking SPN fic about that evil coach with Dean and that was just wonderfully devestating. I will absolutely be reading more of your fics! Thanks for posting and I hope you write more DA.
Shirley chapter 1 . 3/22/2008
I have seen all the Dark Angel series and I think you got both characters 100%. Enjoyed your story.
annie200 chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
I loved this. You did a great job in giving depth to both Alec and Josh. Their relationship was believable and touched on both Alec's insecurity and Josh's compassion and wisdom perfectly. Good job. More please!
Robyn chapter 1 . 3/11/2008
Very nice! A great look into such a complex character. I hope you write more Dark Angel fiction in the future. :)
EarmuffedAmazon chapter 1 . 3/10/2008
I loved your characterization of Alec, especially in reference to the piano playing. Joshua was perfect. Love to see some more Alec/Josh friendships. Good Job!
happycabbage75 chapter 1 . 3/10/2008
Very nicely done, for both Alec and Joshua. This was a real treat!
clclemmons chapter 1 . 3/10/2008
Very well done, Bravo!
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