Reviews for Jack's List 15: The Roleplay
DarkwingDuckie chapter 1 . 10/10/2011
Such a good story... hot and sweet and a bit sad. But I have to agree... would have liked a little more smuttiness there during the break. I love the way you write, it almost flows like poetry, but as a prose. Always beautiful!
jackandiantoisforever chapter 1 . 3/22/2008
I did enjoy this story! It was a lot of fun to read. Thanks, pippychick!
Chloe chapter 1 . 3/22/2008
It's really good and really well-written, but it's slightly disappointing to some people (me being one of them) that it cuts off at the point when they're about to have sex. Personally, I love a graphic sex scene, and I'm sure lots of people agree with me. And if you don't want to put the scene in there because some people might not want to have a sex scene in there, then what you can do is cut it up into chapters and have the sex scene in one of them, and mention that the scene is there so that if people don't want to read the scene then they can just avoid that chapter.

Hope I'm not being to critical. Email me about it if you like:


Chloe xx
CrazedEnigma chapter 1 . 3/12/2008
Ooh, I like Ianto all menacing and shmexy!

Very pretty story...bit sad at the end but I like it all the same!
butterfly.cell chapter 1 . 3/11/2008
They are so adorable together

If you got arrested and sent to court, I'd be there alongside you to watch them walk in together! Then we could kidnap them and keep them ]

Great fic, really good writing (and well in character, never fear!) and I enjoyed it alot! Thanks for keeping the List alive!
Sunnyboy chapter 1 . 3/11/2008
not fair! it had a sexy atmosphere to the end, and then suddenly "I'm going to miss you." I was so unprepared for it, and now I just feel like crying my heart out. poor jack. poor ianto. sob. very good fic, anyway.
Tigerdust chapter 1 . 3/10/2008
Oh baby.

I'll gladly be your beta for this list story if there's more of that in store.

Pretty please?
Thedoctorshope900 chapter 1 . 3/10/2008
Aww, Pip, that was so sweet! totally dig the roleplaying. And the hat.

Very wonderful story. I luffed it!