Reviews for A Long Day at the Office
DarkwingDuckie chapter 1 . 10/10/2011
I myself could not breathe by the end of that story... just brilliant!

And now I really want to know what those paperclips, staples, and permanant markers are for! Please keep writing!
LovelyWickedGrin chapter 1 . 6/7/2009
I...I just...I mean, you...! Gahh!

You are freaking brilliant.

And god, Iato and Jack are making my knees give out, as always. :D

I have this insane fetish for either Jack or Ianto teasing the other while they are on the phone, or at work, one of them under the desk(*winkwink* *grins*) or under the table or something. *laughs hysterically* So, naturally, I loved thi.

It was perfect. . Very sexy, and you captured the electrified atmosphere that always surrounds Jack and Ianto when they are together perfectly. *swoons* :D

You are my hero. *grins*
Slow Walker chapter 1 . 10/3/2008
that made me hot, not smile. well, it did make me smile. but most of all it made me hot and bothered and feeling really nerdy. damn. chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
Really good, you should do more with various members of Ianto's family! Good story x
Barblebee chapter 1 . 3/29/2008
I adore this story! :D Read it several times over lol, and I intend to read it again :)

Thank you for writing it, now write more :P

x x x
Miss.SpankyPowerpoint.'08 chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
.god. i loved it! *sques* Ianto/Jack are my absolute favourite pairings in torchwood. They're just so cute together! i can actually imagine them in a situation like this!

Gosh doesn't jack have a dirty mind! love the idea of stationary. *drools at thought of ianto staple gunned to the desk by his jacket*...though i am i little bit confuzzled about what he would do with paperclips..
abcoolness chapter 1 . 3/14/2008
That was brilliant.. You don't know how hard it is trying not to giggle maddly or give away the kind of things your reading when you're sat on the front desk at a school library surrounded by about 50 people who don't know you plus 2 teachers... Great idea, and hope you keep writing more ;)

HaphazardPeach chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
i liked this fic when i read it yesterday, but i had to come back and tell you that it was really hard to not burst out laughing when i went to bed last night.

just before i went to turn off my light, i looked at my desk and what did i see?

-a large paper clip

-a small red paper clip

-one of those big hook/keychain thingies

-a black clip-thing for stacks that staples can't handle

-a bottle of massage oil

yeah. lovely timing, eh? just had to come back and tell you that your fic was funny and stuck in my head.

kateg123 chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
"and found that he was indeed naked on Jack’s desk. How had that happened?"

Oh wow...the images going through my head right

Very nice :)

And hot...and generally hilarious!

Nargil chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
you do realise you have to do a sequal, what happens either at the store with jack or when the order arrives or Ianto's dinner...
CrazedEnigma chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
OMG so frikkin hilarious! I love it, love it, love it!

Haha, the thought of Jack in Office Galaxy is like watching a kid in a sweet shop. lol with the staples and permanent markers.

Your aims have been achieved. I giggled like a schoolgirl...even though I am one...but that's WAY beside the point! P
butterfly.cell chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
You already know how much ilove your stuff, but that was one of the best! My mind is racing with possibilities for those paper clips!

And the end was so cute, great work!
Raven chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
Oh god, what Jack could do with a staple gun! The idea frightens me.

Funny and really hot. Poor Ianto! He'll have to come up with some sort of revenge...
Boo26 chapter 1 . 3/13/2008
Hehehe. I love it. Stories where Ianto's family become involved are always amusing :)

Thedoctorshope900 chapter 1 . 3/12/2008
You are so horrible to Ianto, I just hope you know. Gosh. Pure evil.

I have a challenge for you. I challenge you to write a one shot, Janto, that does not involve smut in any form. Not even snogging.

Up for the challnge?

Wonderful story by the way, though you are horrible.