Reviews for Atrox
Dawn N chapter 21 . 6/19/2018
I meant to leave a review back when this chapter posted. I'm sorry that I didn't. It was a great b-day gift though. It posted on my b-day in 2017. I still watch my inbox for any new chapters. I know life is very busy for you but I wanted you to know that I'm still an avid reader and came back today to re-read this chapter. I know I can't be the only one waiting for a new chapter.
I hope this review finds you doing well and know that people like myself will wait patiently for another chapter. I'm hoping you haven't given up. You're an awesome writer! Great story and hoping to see more of it soon.
Vashti23 chapter 21 . 2/4/2017
I was so delighted to find a message in my in-box that you had posted another chapter to your wonderful, epic story. I've been following this tale for a long time and always hope that you'll connect with your muse and continue writing. I've been swept up in this story from the beginning and continue to find it enjoyable and compelling. I appreciate the medical knowledge and detail you bring to your writing, it adds an element of verisimilitude that I value. I thought this chapter was very consistent with the high quality of your work throughout the story. I very much look forward to future chapters as you're able to post them.
Sarita Kate chapter 21 . 1/26/2017
I love this story and your writing so much! I am so happy you are continuing this story. chapter 21 . 1/25/2017
Wow, what an edge of your seat chapter, you really built up the tension with everything going on with Sam, the way he is tentatively hanging on to life and how experimental the medical treatment is and how little they have to work with. And then you have Sam go and seize, his fever spike to an even more dangerous level and the NG tube have to be pulled completely as trying to reinsert it is doing more damage to Sam. No wonder Jessup has nearly reached the end of his rope trying to work out what to do.
No need to be ashamed or embarrassed about this chapter it was great, and I was so pleased to see the alert in my inbox.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/25/2017
I love that this story is being updated again! Thank you!
LoveSamandDean chapter 21 . 1/22/2017
Thank you for writing in this story again. I love this chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Vashti23 chapter 20 . 9/11/2016
I'm very sorry to hear what an extraordinarily difficult 3 years you've had to endure. I am, however, quite delighted that you are persevering with this story even after such an extended hiatus. I generally don't read fiction that is incomplete, however I was really drawn into Crotalus and was anxious to read more.

I hope that returning to writing is as restorative as you hope and that I will have the opportunity to read more of this compelling work.
Reina Valeria Nox chapter 20 . 9/8/2016
When you started writing this I was still in high school, now I'm over halfway through medical school. And I still remember reading this and it's predecessor however many years ago. I really hope you are able to finish this. chapter 20 . 9/7/2016
Was so happy to get an alert in my inbox for another chapter of this superb story, an no apologies needed for the length of time since you updated. You have not lost your touch and hope by finishing this story you will find your oars again and be able to grab life by the horns. Poor Sam does not seem to be able to catch a break but loved how Dean's sarcastic murmured comment was caught by Dr Jessup and he managed to diagnose what was up with Sam, though there is still a long and dangerous road for the younger Winchester. And unless Dean gets some sleep the doc will be dealing with two sick Winchesters! Loved everything about this chapter, the research, the medical knowledge and the OCs are all amazing. Thank you for continuing :)
lucacat4 chapter 20 . 9/5/2016
I am SO happy you're continuing this story! It's amazing :) thank you very much for all your work! (And prayers for good times ahead to you)
Hacked It Out and Fell chapter 20 . 9/4/2016
I'm happy to see you back and writing again! I'm sorry for having to go through what you did, I understand having done it myself. I look forward to every new chapter and more stories. Welcome back!
Guest chapter 20 . 9/4/2016
Thanks for the update. I hadn't forgotten this story and it's lovely that you went back to it. Best of luck in finding your path again.
rozzy07 chapter 20 . 9/4/2016
Hey, sorry that family life has been so difficult for the last 3 years, and I am just glad you have been able to take a breather to enjoy writing again. Wonderful update, and a great reminder of what just a great writer you are. Thx for sharing. Loved it. Rozzy
Phx1966 chapter 20 . 9/4/2016
I can only say that I have a slight idea of what you went through as I had to assume a caretaker role last year as well. But it only was for a few months, although that same family member is now starting to show the signs of Alzheimer's and I suspect will require more "hands on" care in the months ahead.

I am still following along with the story. For selfish reasons, I hope you are able to finish it. However, regardless of what happens to the rest of the tale, I hope you find yourself again.
Dawn N chapter 20 . 9/4/2016
When I opened my email and saw "Atrox" in my inbox, I blinked and looked again. I was elated to see a new chapter from you. I knew you'd return eventually when you were ready and I'm so happy you're back to finish this wonderful story.

I very much enjoyed the chapter and you haven't lost your touch. I still felt the connection to the characters and even a three year absence didn't hurt the awesome sauce that is this story!

I've been on this train since it rolled out of the station and stopped but it's rolling again and I"m here for the long haul. Great Chapter! Welcome Back :)
~ Dawn
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