Reviews for Ties That Bind
Lunky chapter 23 . 11/7/2017
Oh great story! I’m in tears at the end, so sweet.
GlassGirlCeci chapter 23 . 8/8/2013
This was excellent! It's my first foray into The Office fanfiction, and I loved it. I would say that the epilogue was unnecessary, but other than that, you knitted the story together quite well. Pam and Jim were quite in character, as best as you could get, I think. I wouldn't even call the beginning of the story "angst" either, because the characters had good, realistic reasons for feeling the way they did, and while you didn't draw it out excessively, you also didn't cut the emotional aspect short, which I know is very hard to resist. Angst, to me, is what teenagers feel when something isn't going their way. Angsty stories often have their characters put through a variety of contrived challenges and obstacles just as an excuse to write "emotion", which then turns out frustrating, forced, and unrealistic. This had none of that, and was therefore not "angsty". I would describe it more as a very well done hurt/comfort and romance story.

Again, I loved it, and I wish you had continued writing after this, because I would read another of your stories in a heartbeat.
GailTheFish chapter 23 . 8/22/2011
This was amazing! I was in tears at the cute proposal, omg :'D
enihpets3 chapter 23 . 1/20/2011
I absolutely love this story! I've read it a bunch of times already, but I had the urge to read it again today. So I did. :D And as usual... It still rocks. ;) Thank you for writing it!
hartful13 chapter 23 . 1/16/2011
great story you have here and i can't wait for more from you! so great stuff and please keep it up!
Abey chapter 5 . 8/2/2010
She did fight hard to get there, so Jim, step up and be a daddy. I can't believe Karen died aw :(
Abey chapter 4 . 8/2/2010
Great ending, this really is a fantastic story. I cannot wait to see what appens next.
Abey chapter 3 . 8/2/2010
Go Pam, you don't need that sorry excuse for a man. Not OOC at all, like you aid, this is a woman at the end of her tether.
Abey chapter 2 . 8/2/2010
STFU, this is so great. Karen and their baby are in that carrrrrrrrrrr :(
Abey chapter 1 . 8/2/2010
covenantqueen chapter 23 . 2/28/2010
Oh my god! This story was really good I was crying for joy and anger and sadness and enjoyed the entire ride. Really good job and I think you got the characters down really well :D
TrueBlueWolf25 chapter 23 . 9/28/2008
Wow this story was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I got busy with school and life for awhile, but kept the email update links to remind myself to return to read the rest of the story when I got a chance, and boy can I say I'm glad I did. Your banter between Jim and Pam was spot on (you had me rolling on the floor laughing about Michael, Jan, and the aliens) and you made me absolutely fall in love with Abigail (I loved so many scenes with her I can't even name them all, I think my favorite was when she tried feeding Jim the cake)! I think the way that you wrote Jim and Pam getting back together was really true to life. And you made me tear up (which is a really hard thing to do) in chapter 22 with Abigail calling Pam "Mama" and Jim's proposal (I seriously think that's the best proposal I've ever read in any fan fictions and better than anything I've seen in TV or movies). I'll definitely be looking for more JAM stories from you in the future (I'm adding you to my favorite authors list and authors alert list), so please continue writing-you've got a real talent for it!
QueenAngel92 chapter 16 . 9/6/2008
It's been ages since I've read a Jim/Pam fic. When I started reading this I couldn't stop. Wonderful fic!
Bears Eat Beets chapter 23 . 8/12/2008
just wanted to tell you...i FINALLY read this and really enjoyed it. as bad as this may sound, i have very little interest in stories about kids (i'm a jerk, i know), but this was such an interesting way of constructing a jim/pam family that i'm glad i took the chance. you balanced the sweet with the dramatic well, and paced the whole thing out so nicely. it was more than a worthwhile read...great work!
onetreefan chapter 23 . 7/9/2008
oh my word! this was an amazing story. it was heartbreaking, realistic and completely amazing! fantastic piece! brilliant!
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