Reviews for Dedicated To The One I Love
thetucc chapter 23 . 7/10/2018
Bloody well done! What an awesome journey you took us on in 1973, 1981, and 2008! I’m looking forward to the sequel!
thetucc chapter 22 . 7/10/2018
I never know how I’m supposed to feel. Obviously I want Alex to be able to go back to Molly, but I also want her to be with Gene. So that chapter was a shocker at the end! But Gene and Alex’s coupling was lovely and sweet and I think exactly what they both needed.
thetucc chapter 21 . 7/10/2018
Well it’s gone on 1am and I’ve completely lost my words because this is just way too much! Thank God Alex kept a level head about her!
thetucc chapter 20 . 7/10/2018
Wooooboy! That was a tough chapter. My heart just breaks for Gene.
thetucc chapter 19 . 7/10/2018
This is so intense!
thetucc chapter 15 . 7/10/2018
It’s well after midnight and Alex has just got clocked in the head after discovering the photos in Wallace’s place! Do I go to bed not knowing what happens next or read on and be super tired tomorrow? Ugh it’s so good! I kind of expected it b/c Wallace seemed shady and Alex has a tendency to jump into things...
thetucc chapter 14 . 7/10/2018
I love the very brief, soft moments between Gene and Alex!
thetucc chapter 11 . 7/9/2018
That was a roller coaster of a ride! Obviously we knew she had a son, but the whole did she/ didn’t she keep the baby had me quickly reading to the end.
thetucc chapter 10 . 7/9/2018
I love that Alex is just slowly peeling away at Gene’s layers and that he’s starting to show a bit more of himself to Alex. At first I was hoping that Gene would’ve made the trip to Manchester with Alex, but I loved the way you wrote it. Just perfect with her getting to meet Danny and gathering info from Wallace’s mom. Well done!
thetucc chapter 9 . 7/9/2018
Everybody thinks they’ve got Gene pegged - that he’s a hot blooded male with just booze and shaggin in the mind. But you’ve done an excellent job of showing the layers but doing it in a way that seems totally true to the character and in a very believable way.
thetucc chapter 7 . 7/9/2018
Okay, so at first I was a little weary of Gene having a relationship with his goddaughter. But you’ve navigated the waters quite well and I’m on board 100% with where you are going with this. And of course Gene is ol Mr. Tough Closed Off Guy so he doesn’t give much away to Alex as for his feelings, but I love the little glimpses he does show after she reprimands him for not being there for his son. It’s all so very complicated and high drama and I’m enjoying it so far.
Tessla21 chapter 14 . 8/12/2014
A. Way late review but i hope u read it. Amazing job so far . You really have donegreta on this story. Hope you keep writting if you enjoy doing so:)
JTSplash chapter 23 . 8/28/2011
I have not been able to put this down! I bloody loved it :D I was so in love with meg and Gene, and fell even more for galex! :D Can't wait to read the others but must sleep lol! Brilliant!
MagicFairyGirl8 chapter 1 . 5/3/2011
Sorry me again - I realised after I'd reviewed that you'd written more since this was published! duh! Apologies and I am off to read it right now! Great work once again! xx
MagicFairyGirl8 chapter 23 . 5/3/2011
Absolutely loved this story! Really well written, emotional and very exciting! You have to do a sequel so we can find out what happens next. Gene, Alex and Sam all together - amazing! Please write more! Xx
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