Reviews for Red Wine
Guest chapter 12 . 1/27/2016
fuck u for being lousy and making no sense if hermione was pregnant how come no one saw her belly
APotterPersona chapter 12 . 12/15/2014
hey ho!
I love this story. Absolutely brill! I'm sad you haven't update in a while... A long while, but I'm keeping my fungera crossed for another chappie sometime in the not too distans future and with you a Merry Christmas :)

That and I Add my wholehearted agremanger to your dissikera for Mrs. Potter.

cajuncoffee chapter 12 . 1/5/2010
Woo! New chapter! I dig the scene with FuriousJeaslousGinny. Keep up the good work!
rookie802 chapter 12 . 1/1/2010
Great story and I cannot wait for the next updated chapter to be posted:)
rookie802 chapter 11 . 1/1/2010
Awesome story and really loved the long chapter:)

cannot wait to read the next one!
Fibinaci chapter 12 . 12/30/2009
I dont get it, but then Im not a girl who had been cheated on. If Ginny wants to keep Harry, why would she let Hermione know she knew? Because the pressure will eventually get to Hermione and the secret will, as she said, get out, blowing up both of their families and then remove the one thing standing between Harry and Hermione getting together.
Bekah94 chapter 11 . 12/30/2009
dennisud chapter 12 . 12/30/2009
Well it seems things are gonna come to a head on Boxing day! But I have the feeling that emergency will turn bad at the Ministry and I also think there are others who are also having affairs!

Lets see what happens!

Oh and a question, will Lily be the 'only' one who was a product of an affair?

x-PinkPanther-x chapter 11 . 9/9/2009

Next Chapter, PLEASE! This is amazing!
Jaded Angel Danielle chapter 11 . 8/22/2009
Hey! First and foremost thank you SO Much for the reviews! And I absolutely loved the chapter. Stupid Ron! And even stupider Ginny, sole custody, that girl has some real nerve. Poor Lily! I can't wait to read more. Awesome chapter from an awesome writer ;)
iamnopoet chapter 11 . 8/21/2009
Just found this story and read it completely before replying. It is awesome. It's a premise that you don't see. Often and you have done a fabulous job with it. I really enjoy your development of lily keep up the terrific work. Update soon.
Molly Jae chapter 11 . 8/19/2009
O.o Wow... that's one way to know you have another mom.

-Update Soon!-
Fibinaci chapter 11 . 8/18/2009
Hehe, very well done, I wonder if the kids would have found out if they had heard the first part of Harry and Hermione's tryst? Their main qustion would been answered, but the big secret would still be secret.

I felt bad as Ron turned to the darkside, his being reasonable and grownup had been a nice part of this fic, but I do understand how Ginny was able to convince him, this is after all a double betrayal.

I know it sucks to not get as many reviews as you deserve but I've noticed that their isnt often a correlation between the quality of a story here and the number of reviews it gets.

You have written a very good tale and I look forward to your next update.

Edmond O'Donald chapter 11 . 8/18/2009
WOW. Great job. Very well written story/chapter (even if I don't like the premise that Harry or Hermione would cheat after being married to Ginny/Ron). I loved the fact that the kids heard the admission just about 1st-hand. It will be very, very interesting to see how you characterize their reactions. Who's going to freak out more? the boys or the girls? That's a question that I'd not be able to answer well (and I like to think that I write dialog pretty well).

I would liked to have seen the second half of this cliff-hanger, but I know that it's hard to write such an emotional scene.

Can't wait to see what happens!


missseal chapter 10 . 8/12/2009
this is so good! i love how its about the younger generation but also about something we all love to read about (a harry and hermione romance ;)
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