Reviews for Warders
Terahlyanwe chapter 8 . 11/15/2013
D: You ended an entire *STORY* on a cliffhanger?! *rushes off to read the sequel*
Dobraine chapter 8 . 10/12/2013
Nice details in this chapter. I like the bit about the maid, and you gave a pretty good description if Evain and her relationship with Contair. The scene with the novice made me laugh. And great reveal on Auntie. I always figured there ought to be more familial relationships in the Tower.

Wow what an exciting turn! Knowing what you've told me about the order of these vignettes, I'm curious if you choose Lomiel first to loop round to her at the end. If so... Well played! I like the interplay between Haqon and Contair, the subtle fear and apprehension.

So was Aes Sedai ever completed? Or should I just move on to warder tales
Dobraine chapter 7 . 10/6/2013
I'm really curious about when this occurs? Do you know? Given that there are easily a thousand Aes Sedai it's entirely possible that you would never me one we know. That said these women live for centuries so there should be some overlap? Before Siuan it was Tamra as Amyrlin. Is that who?

Brownie, a welcome relief after all the Firehearts, tai Dashars, Mandarbs, etc. another great chapter, well paced, exciting turns, nice links to the other stories. One thing though, you've said less and less about each warder. The first three were very distinct, but by the yellow warder, they begin to become similar. Which may have been what RJ wanted. His descriptions made them physically different but possessed all by the same steely reserve, calm grace, etc.
Dobraine chapter 6 . 10/6/2013
I like her fear of Rinette and how she wields it like a mantra. It very much seems in keeping with the canon. A great job with Watenes character and the voice if the writing. "Soldiery neatness" I the exact sort of way a man hating non martial type might describe a barracks.

Smart move in the bonding of genltled men. If the series had been Written differently it could have been commonplace! After all those men really are the Reds responsibility. Only fair that thy remain so once gentled.
Dobraine chapter 5 . 10/5/2013
A good answer to the tale of the black sister. I itch to clear Il ok's good name though. Again nice details on Masrogen, though because of the circumstances we learned a lot less about him then we did the others. And interesting involvement of The Lord of the castle. These stories have been told in utter isolation to The world. Which i suspect was intentional,
Dobraine chapter 4 . 10/5/2013
Wow, these men continue to amaze me! A warder to the black who does it for love! How neat, sort of reminds me of Verin's Tomas, an ex darkfriend looking for redemption. Except Ilvok is just the opposite- and thus damned!

That was one of the most mesmerizing tales I've ever read. Ever. Wow. The love, the devotion, the betrayal and the choices were told absolutely beautifully.
Dobraine chapter 3 . 10/4/2013
Again, what a great tic, alcoholism, for a warder. Though like Anthared, I too say a second goblet of wine is fine! I think you do a great job of describing the pain behind the severed bond. Too often it's made into a thing of the source, when it likely is pain, shame, betrayal, weakness, and losing someone whose thoughts and feelings you can actually understand.

And a great confrontation with the WhiteCloaks! One thing I noticed: these are definitely character driven dramas I never really notice the settings. But the characters are great fun, I can totally see Yamela and the Twins!
Dobraine chapter 2 . 10/3/2013
That was a really beautiful ending to the chapter. And what a battle scene. I did forget halfway through where they were and why there were no guards, servants, passerbys but it sort of reads like a Brown warders worst nightmare. I also loved how Jored's confidence crumbles when he fights the myddraal. Well done. I look forward to the next sister.
Dobraine chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
First off, i know you wrote this some time ago, my reviews are in the context that its ALWAYS nice to receive positive feedback.

I am loving this story. The details are amazing! I love that Haqon is an obsessive compulsive. And what an intrigue! It's standard fare, but I assume it takes place years before EotW so it would be a novel to them. There is something very simple and elegant about your prose that makes it a real pleasure to read.
Goldheathen chapter 8 . 1/4/2013
I held my comments until I'd read all eight chapters. This was a thoroughly enjoyable read, congratulations. I especially enjoyed the black sister andher warder, fascinating concept
joshcoleslaw chapter 8 . 6/25/2012
This was very well written! You gave each character unique and varied representation, and although the beginning was a little slow, the plot was made all the more interesting by its multiperspectives.

I can't wait to read "Aes Sedai"!

Also, what time period is this set in? Is it still within the same timeline as the WHeel of TIme, or perhaps an alternate timeline?
IstoleYourCookie chapter 3 . 3/10/2011
I've only read 3 chapters and im already totaly HOOKED - your writing is ADDICTIVE :)
Fish and Bird chapter 1 . 12/19/2010
Mature, well-written fanfic!

I never really liked the idea of Warders even though I enjoy the Wheel of Time series. I suppose they simply came across as besotted bully boys to me. This first chapter, however, has me wanting to read more and perhaps forgive them just a little.

Thanks for that!
Celebel chapter 8 . 11/24/2010
Ah, didn't figure out how the reviews work at first, so please forgive the cluttering.

Anyway: IMHO, "Warder of the Black Sister" is brilliant. RJ didn't actually provide a lot of convincing motivations for people to go over to the Shadow nor did he really go into psychology of the DFs, but Hadnan Kadere POV chapter was extremely poignant to me. And this one even more so, since we see basically a good man enmeshed in the Shadow through love and also see a willing DF slowly and painfully shedding her humanity.

All the other stories are enjoyable and well-written, but the big problem is that apart from the incomparable Lomiel, the AS are huge twits (what Yamela does to Anthared is pretty close to torture!), which makes me pity the warders all the more, yes, but also makes it difficult for me to respect their choice to become warders in the first place.

I know, I know, largely idiotic AS are faithful to the source material, but I always felt that it was a big flaw of the canon. And I was kinda hoping for the fanfiction, particularly one not set in the time-frame of the series, to remedy this lack.
Celebel chapter 2 . 11/24/2010
Jahra, sigh. I am sorry, but even as an absent-minded academic she is just too much.

And here we get a first look at the bond as a rather unhealthy co-dependent relationship where poor warders get the shorter bit of the stick - a theme that really runs through your series. Poor Jored! He seems like such a decent, earnest guy!
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