Reviews for Devil's Trill
light fucker chapter 1 . 7/16
oh my god... OH MY FGODJKDNJN this is sp good i can't not cpomment
LeviAckermanisbae chapter 22 . 5/15/2019
Okay my favorite writing style enacted in this fic is how at the beginning, L and Rue Ryuzaki are referred to as two separate entities as if to trick the reader into believing as Light does, that they really are separate entities. It pulls them along into almost believing that they are and then when the reader/Light is convinced, the rug is pulled out from under us and suddenly after L truly loses it and turns to his more horrifying and aggressive nature, the narrative switches to referring to him as L constantly. As if to say 'this is the turning point in their relationship.' And it is, because shortly after, Rue starts exhibiting behaviors more common for L and Light starts to hate Rue almost as much as he hates L, possibly more. He's subconsciously realizing that Rue and L are the same person, though he won't admit it aloud. It's so subtle, yet so drastic and I love the way this is written.
Ereslee chapter 33 . 11/29/2018
Hi, just dropping by to complement the FUCK out of you. This fic is and always will be my favorite read. I've found myself coming back to it again and again over the years. I have reread this thing so many times, and I never reread *anything*. Thanks for sharing this with us.
gret chapter 16 . 9/9/2018
ugh this light is killing me..he's so dumb and inconsistent. l should just kill him :( does he even believe that l is rhyuzaki because one minute he does then second guesses himself the next. and all that talk at the start of knowing this is a game between l and him but he's so quick to concede without playing any hand. i hope this gets better because dn light would be so embarrassed, geniuslight and without that it's so hard to get into the plot. unless this is a complete au and you've given them ooc traits then by all means.
gret chapter 14 . 9/9/2018
wait...there's a dn?
gret chapter 14 . 9/9/2018
just getting into this and i don't know if it's because light doesn't have a dn but he seems very weak and unitelligent. infact i think even matsuda surpasses him here. well psycho l who would've thought we all needed this. fresh take on l's characterisation. ok am getting back to it now.
Monkey berries chapter 33 . 9/3/2018
please update. I know it's been years but I atleast want to know if L and Light end up together. it's obvious L loves Light. but with Light changing and stuff, will it be enough? I really want to know. this is the best Death Note Fanfiction I've ever read. I want to thank you for this so much but at the same time cry because I know this might not ever be updated and I'll never know if they'll get their version of a happy ending and so I'm just here. please please update.
chenzike chapter 33 . 4/29/2018
tell me why...
UnhappyHomicideExperience chapter 33 . 1/4/2018
It’s at times like these I curse myself for being late to the fandom. This fic.. it’s changed me. And I know it’ll never get updated, but this has been the best thing I’ve ever read- trust me it took me about 4 days to get through it. At first I read for the wit- as your writing style is incredibly amusing. But then the spiral began, and it’s just so twisted, and everything has changed and Light. Just Light. I’m just in awe of this fic. So thank you so much for writing it. Plus just last week I was gifted a violin by chance. And I’ve no idea how to play it- but Devil’s Trill. I think I’ll learn that.
AmaranthAmelia chapter 33 . 4/18/2017
You're never gonna update are you? Well it doesn't really matter. It took me a little more than 4 months to get through this story. I think personally this whole thing is stretched out unnecessarily. I mean I get why Light literally went psychotic but come on. Really interesting concept btw. Also it really doesn't matter to me if you update or not. This is a good fic, really well thought out and done. But I kinda stopped caring halfway through. Best wishes. Please try to keep your promise of updating though. It's the decent thing to do. Kudos and goodbye.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/25/2017
either some misogynistic ass bullshit from the writer or from lights character, hoping its the latter. this story kicks ass though
Anon chapter 22 . 2/24/2017
Light, what the actual fuck?
Anon chapter 21 . 2/23/2017
Okay but i can't with this flashback omg
Anon chapter 19 . 2/23/2017
The penis ad won everything... It's so Matt
sugapeaches chapter 33 . 11/13/2016
Fuck I just noticed I didn't see this chapter when I "finished" reading this story about a month ago. Oh well, that's a nice present for me to read tomorrow. Let me tell you something. I don't know what anyone else thinks, but this is, and probably will remain, the best story I have read on this website. Ever. I've read a lot of garbage, and I've read a lot of gold. This takes the cake. Maybe I just like Death Note a little too much. Maybe I just like the idea of L being a brilliant serial killer a bit too much. There is one thing I know for sure, though: your writing speaks to me more than *anyone* else's ever has. Not in the "I can relate so much" way, but in the "this is so beautiful I can't put it down" way. I'd love it if you finished this story, but you know what I'd love even more? If you wrote an original story, published it, and earned a shit ton of money because of it. Because you fucking deserve it.
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