Reviews for rara avis
Tenkasen chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
I'm surprised I never saw the ending coming, at least, not in the way it did. But it fits so perfectly, I aboslutely love it.

Good characterazation with Amy as well; not bashing, and not glorifying her. Just a strong girl whose afraid, but unwilling to back down. I'm equally pleased with all the other character as well.

Well done.
PreviouslyTorpe chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
Original and interesting. I loved it!
dotdotdotHedgehog chapter 1 . 7/3/2009
' oh, oh, oh. never played the game, but the gist im getting is that amy is in the game or in the storybook land rather than sonic. c: and somehow, i was guessing that the hedgehog wouldn't be sonic, but the name aladdin was so unexpected yet expected. never seen a story quite like this. x:
Blue Mage Quartet chapter 1 . 9/29/2008

How did I miss this little gem? Switching it around to where Amy is the main character (she is, right?) is funny.

"You can take those rings and shove them up your ass!"
azngirlchibi chapter 1 . 9/9/2008
Darn you, this is a one shot? Aww... still, the last line, "My name is Aladdin" was full of one hundred percent pure WIN. Very epic-ful. Love this story!
STaR Productions chapter 1 . 5/5/2008
S: Oh come on this just can't be a oneshot! With that ending? You must be insane! Continue! Please! It's written so well!
IHKF chapter 1 . 4/11/2008
This? A one-shot? No way. With the cliffy YOU left, It'd HAVE to be a series!
dee chapter 1 . 4/1/2008
you should so continue this as a series, it'll be kicking. i can see it happening
NaruAngel chapter 1 . 4/1/2008
Oh wow that was Really interesting to read. Simple fight but nice one-shot nonetheless. I enjoyed it All the stories you write are so inspiring. Very cute
Taranea chapter 1 . 4/1/2008
VERY cute story. So happy to see secret rings get some love!

I liked the brat/rat thing - and how the quote suddenly fit into the scheme of things! plus, the orginal idea - amy as legendary hedgehog - was pretty clever, too. makes me want to continue my own satsr adapt even more. :P

(secret tip: go to deviantart, look for the pic "Uhu is this?"...;) )

nice work! *favs*