Reviews for Gundam Seed: Fallen Angel
DarkChaosDragon00 chapter 2 . 4/2
How did wing Zero change into Epyon?
NARUTO UZUMAKI chapter 33 . 10/2/2018
NARUTO UZUMAKI: hinta *drunk* I can't forgive or forget because I was trained to be this way my childhood was engineerd to have my internal brain wires to blame myself for the smallest infractions you can't understand me then you can't understand my childhood I was the scrapgote the pariah the monster punting toy no matter how hard I try doing things to show I was not a monster I was still treated to life as a wepon this life that life all my life's I am just a gun put me in someone's hands to kill that's all I am good for I had in my childhood a mask I wore of the happy moron prankster I can try all I wanted to be the HERO but I am stuck on being the dager,the gun,the sword, the bolder each covered in blood my soul is staned in blood henti I can not feel anything anymore I JUST DON'T CARE period do not pass go do not collect a hundred dollars and go straight to jail and rot their (insert a lot of explecative words shuch as the f word) off and leave me be. even kurama left all me life MY HANDS CAN NEVER TRULY HOLD ANYTHING and I will be barred when I die for the last time ON A LONELY HILL SRERONDED BY SWORDS and death just like my life my life is like an INFINITE FORGE allways being re temperd why can't I just be allowed to rust away into nothingness PLUS I am just a dime a dozen just replace me with hole Hardy fool and there you go same thing no muss and no fuss and no nuts GAME OVER END LOCKED OUT PLEASE INSERT COINS NOW. I am bankrupt in the black no ones coming back you can't take the sky from my you can take the land from whence I stand I don't care I will be free you can't take the sky from me burn the land and boil the sea I'll be free you can't take the sky from me.
YeTianshi chapter 34 . 7/20/2018
This was an epic fic, thank you for writing it and sharing it with us, I don't think there are words to describe how grateful I am for the entertainment and happiness provided to me through this, so I'll stick to the simple things.

Thank you.
YeTianshi chapter 28 . 7/20/2018
I think I've got dust in my eyes, that was a beautiful end to this chapter :)
YeTianshi chapter 24 . 7/20/2018
You know, I kind of agree with Naruto's point of view. Sure Lacus might achieve peace, but peace is temporary, everything is. No war lasts forever, and peace doesn't either, Lacus might get what she wants but it won't last.
YeTianshi chapter 22 . 7/19/2018
I just realized something, Wing Zero becoming Epyon, Epyon's color dulling and bits of white, the feathers Naruto keeps finding!
YeTianshi chapter 20 . 7/19/2018
Omg, I see what it is (I think). The Epyon and Zero are one Gundam that change based on Naruto, the metaphor is absolutely amazing, though his appearance stays aloof and forzen as he has a battle waging inside of him his Gundam brings it out for the world to see. It's just beautiful :D
YeTianshi chapter 19 . 7/19/2018
Great chapter, though that last part made no sense to me. I mean, Naruto was perfectly capable of killing Lacus and CHOSE to spare her, wouldn't that make Kira feel grateful instead?
YeTianshi chapter 9 . 7/19/2018
Wow, that's cool, so Naruto can still combine his jutsu with his Gundam? That's epic xD
YeTianshi chapter 5 . 7/19/2018
I don't understand why Durandal is so confident that Shinn with Impulse would be able to take Naruto when both Athrun and Kira couldn't do the job together.
Great chapter :D
YeTianshi chapter 4 . 7/19/2018
Epic battle, I expected nothing less. I mean Naruto is millennia old, it only makes sense that his battle tactics are far superior to any other war veteran xD
YeTianshi chapter 3 . 7/19/2018
I mean... if they have the literal trigger for his mobile suit's self destruct mechanism, why would they wait for him to cheat and not just instantly kill him?
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
Top 6 worst fanfic author hall of fame 2017-2018

1. Shadow Blade Knight

2. Kamen rider chrome

3. striberx

4. Fenikkusumaru

5. gundam-knight-Chris

6. So_pro warrior
Hikari Nova chapter 34 . 1/3/2018
VERY lovely story and i'm glad I found it
Hikari Nova chapter 4 . 1/3/2018
you do know that the GS. GSD and GW suits do NOT have pain receptor feedback to their pilots as only I think G-gundam had that due to the unique system that gundam series used
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