Reviews for Temporal Immunity
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
I must say this is splendid. The characters are amazingly kept true and it is so emotional. I love all of these characters, and the thoughts of Charlie and Ben when Ben kills Charlie had me tearing up. I know Charlie was a pretty heartless killer but I can't help but pity him, he was so devoted to Ben and then to have been killed by his essential father figure Is heart renching to say the least. Ben, it seems to me, didn't want to kill Charlie (I swear I saw a film of tears in his eyes) but he did it for the ultimate justice. Still sad Charlie died though, why am I attracted to pathetic cruel men
Arashi Maxwell chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
snowD chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
I am ...speechless. I just saw the movie and couldn't help but try to figure out what the characters were thinking in the final scenes, what made them act the way the did and reveal those secrets that they had been safeguarding all the way to Yuma. This 'commentary' of yours is a brilliant re-creation and explanation of the events; you're a gifted author. Thanks for the great fic.
Lee chapter 1 . 7/5/2008
I also have to disagree with the first reviewer's idea that Ben regretted shooting Charlie. Nah, it looked pretty deliberate to me, not only shooting him once, but twice, the second time slow and metholodical.

Hey, what can I say? :)

I completely hated Charlie Prince. The character was just a murdering thug. I applaud anyone trying to write a fic to give him heart, because he didn't have a soul or a heart in the movie, that's for sure.
Lee chapter 1 . 7/5/2008
Loved the Ben/Dan parts of the story. Charlie just irritated me, and I never bought (and I don't believe RC played it that way in the movie) that Charlie and Dan were close. I believe Ben had higher esteem for and felt closer to, Dan Evans, in the three days he knew him, than in the number of months? years? that he knew Charlie Prince.

Ben Foster is a decent actor I guess, but I couldn't wait for Charlie to die. He annoyed me.

There aren't enough Yuma fics out there. I loved the movie !
Mad Furry Cheshire Cat chapter 1 . 4/12/2008
What can I say? Absolutely fantastic! As your previous reviewer said, your story filled in so many gaps that the film didn't have the time to cover.

In this movie, Charlie is by far my favourite, and I think you captured his character perfectly. Ben seemed to come to life even more so through your story, so much more than he did the film. I think this was mainly because of the flashbacks you provided us with.

Thank you so much for a pleaurable read! I hope you decide to write more Yuma stories.
Linndechir chapter 1 . 4/8/2008
Great work, I really loved this - and I so agree with you that the characters are irresistible. The structure of this one-shot is interesting, and it's very well done. I especially liked how you managed to follow the events of the movie and combine them with your own ideas.

Your vision of Ben is quite different from my own - he's a bit too self-pitying for my liking -, but yours is nonetheless very convincing and perfectly in character. It's an interesting theory that he had a rather normal life and that his "transformation" happened almost by chance - with Charlie, of all people, being the driving force. I absolutely loved how you described their past and the relationship between Charlie and Ben. Yes, Charlie is almost like a son to Ben, and Ben's closer to him than to anyone else, but he never spoilt Charlie. Nice detail to mention why Charlie calls him 'boss' despite the fact that they are so close. I felt like you were sometimes a little hard on poor Charlie, but that's just because I'm an insane Charlie fangirl. ;) But your overall characterisation of him was wonderful. His desperation was, just like in the movie, heart-breaking. Charlie quoting the Bible was quite funny - I suppose he knows it as well as Ben by now, after all these years hearing Ben quote it.

I'm so glad that you had Ben regret killing Charlie. I didn't mind Dan's death, but Charlie's death was just horrible. It's kind of comforting to think that Ben just acted on impulse and immediately regretted it - it's exactly what I was thinking when I saw the movie. I'm convinced that Ben cared about Charlie, in a way, and didn't just see him as a useful tool.

I'm sure there are many more things worth mentioning, but that's always the problem with long one-shots - reviews never do them justice. So let me just say that it's a well-written fic with very good characterisations, especially when it comes to Ben and Charlie's relationship. Not to mention that it was quite inspiring. Makes me want to write a Yuma fanfic even more than I already do. ;) Do you intend to write more stories in this fandom?