Reviews for Past Present and future
Arw165 chapter 35 . 6/15/2017
I've read the whole thing to find out there's a rewrite. xD Well, I'm gonna leave a short review for this one anyway.
I like guys getting jealous and possessive over each other, but I didn't feel any tension, tbh. Neji's just too pathetic to be an attractive rival in this romance. His feelings towards Naruto were genuine (if we can believe his own words) and he was forced by his uncle to break up on pain of death, if I understood correctly. I can't help but feel sorry for him. He was made into total jerk, instead of getting some understanding, we didn't see anyone trying to make it easier on him (especially with Sasuke and his childish jealousy). Whole NejiGaa was off-screen, so I can't tell whether Neji just jumped into new relationship too quickly or maybe it wasn't only his fault? I don't know, but I can't blame him only without getting whole picture.
Plus, I'm fan of full-commitment, so luckily the threesome was at the end. Otherwise, I would have stopped reading earlier, wouldn't probably even start, if there was a warning in the summary. Fic ended up being SasuNaruGaa, after all, kind of. I know Neji shouldn't have tried coming onto Naruto, while being with Gaara, but I don't think Gaara being SasuNaru's fuck buddy from time to time is fair towards him. Either they all stick to their respective partners or go SasuNaruGaaNeji. I can't imagine Neji not wanting to get close to Naruto again, if there was a chance.

I could probably start on some other things like Kage's dauther having access to everything, for some reason. I could swallow her working as a waitress and Naruto bumping into her somehow, but come on, you can't have it that easy :D

I'm gonna read the rewrite one day (much longer, I see) and compare the two. Till then.
Sakeena85 chapter 3 . 3/21/2013
This story is good, keep it up
BlackKittyMoon chapter 3 . 10/21/2012
Ahahah I like how Sasuke is like everywhere Naruto goes! :3
FoxyNeko08 chapter 37 . 10/17/2012
mind if i advertise this on a site i know? of course if you let me all credit will go to you but if you say no then thats that
FoxyNeko08 chapter 34 . 10/17/2012
LOVE IT! nice hot steamy and enough to give one a nosebleed
FoxyNeko08 chapter 28 . 10/17/2012
good lemon though next tim if you dont mind do make it steamier
maddie chapter 4 . 7/16/2012
Hey I'm not critisizeing here cuz my writing is WAY worse on terms of spenning and gramar - But you really should proff read better and it seams too formal ex: I am going, could b replaced with I'm going- not much diffrence typing wise and the bigger thing that got to me was in the end of this chapter you put "on the tomorrow" again not trying to critisize but its actualy termed 'on the morrow' - anyways good luck
Yami Tsukiakari chapter 8 . 6/27/2012
epic... now i get what he is... i got that he was a vampire before but i didnt get the wing part...
Guest chapter 7 . 6/27/2012
now im really confused about what the heck naruto is... you are an epic writer i have an account to but i just cant be bothered logging in right now...
Jmaholick chapter 37 . 6/24/2012
What fanfiction is doing they did it before when the ratings where G to R ratings they took out all R ratd stories without telling the Author, and they lost their stories. I allready know they will do the samething, but this time you can safe your stories by putting them on other sites. like and a new one I just found it, and its a new site not many stories there. What I am saying is to save you stories is by putting them at other sites. I gave you two that I go to the most, but if you go to another site do it soon and put your stories there because if fanfiction said that they taking m rating out they will do it and you will lose your stories. If you do put your stories at another site let me now by email
OrangeHokkaido chapter 37 . 6/24/2012
MA content has not been allowed on this site since 2002, if you'd actually read the guidelines when you agree to them when posting you'd see the rating is simply for reference only and the highest rating for this site is M. FFNet is not going to allow MA content on this site, no amount of signatures on petitions are going to change that. All you're doing with this is drawing attention to yourself to admin, and you've already been reported by one person. I would suggest you remove this and if you have any MA content in your stories to remove that as well, otherwise you risk losing all of your stories here and having your account either suspended or banned.
Naruto Correction Agency chapter 37 . 6/24/2012
I'm so sick and tired of seeing these. Reported every single one of your stories, and hopefully they delete this yaoi garbage as a bonus.
Broken Sexed Up Bloody Kitten chapter 37 . 6/24/2012
Can you add my nameto the list? I don't have a story to post this to.

Akane215 chapter 36 . 8/16/2009
The story is awesome! I can't wait to read the rewrite.
raventekanya chapter 5 . 7/1/2009
well poo on you ... your not suppose to make the cast into vampires... anyway im not yelling at you ..actually its quite the opposite.. ilike your story..sofar

peace out

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