Reviews for Descant
TC Howl chapter 3 . 1/27/2019
What the Pit happened to chapters breeding and stories getting longer? How could a story this good be abandoned? Please do something!
deathvalley101 chapter 3 . 11/26/2017
This is amazing! Please update!
Cashagon chapter 3 . 8/12/2016
Is this the end? Because there seems to be more to this. This just seems to be a really abrupt ending to Jazz's story.
TFHM chapter 3 . 3/30/2016
This is a really sweet story

Too bad it ended so quickly, you're too good at writing than for your own good!
Had me wrapped around your story by just seeing that you'd made it.

Anyway, thanks for the story!
Hollydoor chapter 3 . 1/16/2015
I wish there was more. This was the best thing I've ever read in my life. Is there a final chapter. Is there going to be a cintinuation? Or is this all? Has this wonderful story died? Or has it been left to speculation? This story cries out to the soul. And as such, many shall answer. Be it now or not. But in time I hope to see more to this wonderful piece.
lilyoftheval5 chapter 3 . 11/8/2014
The whole sidestory... confirmation that Prowl is awesome and Jazz is amazing. *_*
icanhascamaro chapter 3 . 9/18/2014
Aww, Jazz! I heart you.
jpgFury chapter 3 . 1/1/2014
This is progressing beautifully. so much emotion and a really enjoyable read. Was there ever a final chapter?
Little Kunai chapter 1 . 10/6/2013
aww poor lil mech :(
Guest chapter 3 . 6/7/2013
I really love this story, will there be more?
Golfbabe87 chapter 3 . 5/12/2013
Please update again soon. I love reading about these two.
those-painted-wings chapter 3 . 4/10/2013
I keep coming back to this fic and wishing there was more of it. But at the same time, I feel that if you had to end it, you couldn't have picked a more poignant spot to do so. Congrats on a well-written piece.
bit-of-a-dork chapter 3 . 3/27/2013
oh please do not tell me this is a dead story. Iv been holding out hope for a long time. I absolutely love this story so please continue.
EmperialGem21 chapter 3 . 6/5/2012
Love this poor Jazz :(. Hope there's a part 4 coming out .
Cybela chapter 3 . 5/27/2012
I. Am. Hooked. There are no other words I can think of to say about this story. I love it. I am a huge Prowl and Jazz fan. 3 :) Though I will admit a sense of confusion about the whole song thing going on here, but I hope this will be cleared up in another chapter. Aww what the heck, I'm really just asking you to please update this story.

All of your stories are great. You are an amazing writer.

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