Reviews for Complications (A Sequel To Know Your Enemy)
cratbro chapter 4 . 9/26/2008
Sayiangirl chapter 4 . 6/12/2005
Hope the next chapter is up soon!
B chapter 4 . 12/16/2002
Ooh . . . I dislike Zim/Gaz things generally, but this is fun. Nice writing.
Rose Skunk chapter 1 . 10/15/2002
Mew! I read the first one and then this one in like maybe an hour or less! You have great talent. You kept everyone in character aside from maybe Gaz. But who knows what Gaz is really like. She never got that much credit in the episodes.

Anyway, MEW! Just mew! (which is a good good thing) _!
CherryBlossom chapter 1 . 11/1/2001
Leftomaniac chapter 4 . 10/8/2001
*In awed scilence* You are so talented
Leftomaniac chapter 3 . 10/8/2001
This is GREAT! I loved it SO much when Zim thinks, "Crap. I’m thinking of them as aliens. That’s not good." That was just... total vocabulary failure!
GS2aholic chapter 4 . 10/8/2001
That is soooooooooo sweet! *Whipes tear away* I wish someone felt that way about me. Then again, I'm only 13... but I want to grow up know! Anywho, I love it! 10/10!
CrimsonObsession chapter 4 . 10/7/2001
YAY! I don't really feel up to reviewing at the moment (3:07 am, huzzah -_-) but this is too good for me not too! _ Did I tell you yet that Know Your Enemy is one of my favorite Zim/Gaz fics? Well it is, and now, this one is too! _ Zim's uncertainty is so cute, and it's nice to see him be all heroic for a change _~. I'm waiting VERY eagerly for the conclusion and a possible continuation to this series? Ne, ne? _ Please! Heh, write more soon _~.
LycanMaximoff chapter 4 . 10/4/2001
*sniff* Beautiful*sniff* just beautiful.
Sunny Weather Clock chapter 4 . 10/4/2001
I don't like ZAGR much, but dude, yer doin a really spiffy job with this! O_o And I like how you're giving Dib his fair share of memories too XD Gaz doing piggyback...hehe..that's too cyute to think of X3
Cute But Psycho chapter 4 . 10/4/2001
Oooh oooh! This is really good! And it's so sweet! *bounces around* I love ZAGR!
Amethyst Soul chapter 4 . 10/3/2001
Wow... that chapter was, by far, the best. It was so beautifully written that... all I can say is wow.
Evie Ryoko Glacier chapter 3 . 10/2/2001
i love this story and the Know your enemy one. they are awesome you're one of the top ZAGR writers with a story on . write more
Amethyst Soul chapter 3 . 10/1/2001
Yes... this was a great chapter. More! I really want to see how this turns out. The way Zim and Gaz kept describing each other, in their times of desperation and pain, was beautiful. I really really LOVE this story... it is *so* going into my faves, and so are you. Excellent, excellent job. O.o Pllleeeeaaassse write more soon.
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