Reviews for A Lesser Man
Nightshade's sydneylover150 chapter 2 . 12/15/2017
I truly hope you write more of this wonderful storyline!
Annie chapter 2 . 12/15/2017
I love this!
Paul Lenzen chapter 2 . 11/24/2017
Nicely done
Dugleik chapter 2 . 9/29/2017
This is kind of perfect.
Elise chapter 2 . 7/4/2016
One of the best alternate universe stories I've read.
lil'storm chapter 2 . 9/4/2015
That was incredible. Seriously, let me shower you with tons of virtual heart-eyes.
I agree. Of course, both Anakin and Obi-Wan would be different men if everything were to play out differently. And isn't "different" the operative word, anyway? So have it your way, you're doing an amazing job.
Parallels, heated discussions, the sense that they've known each other their entire life, all very captivating.
I've always loved a great 'what if' story, and every second I spent reading my mind is a relentless cacophony of what if, what if, what if. It certainly made me wonder.
Thanks a lot for having written this story! :)
AI chapter 2 . 6/6/2015
Agree with you on the extended notes about characterization. Thanks for an interesting read.
Hanako-chan chapter 2 . 8/3/2014
The fic per se was really great. But when I red your character analysis at the end, it stunned me. It seems you give a lot of tought to the character development, and the explaination of the title was good (I've never figured it out on my own). Well, I did not see if there is a sequel, but I've certainly would read it.
I love when I find so skilled writers, world is fill of them, but finding is tough.
Starhunter79 chapter 2 . 2/11/2013
When I started reading this I thought I might not like it, because I didn't know where you were going with it. But then I read about the help wanted and knew it was Dooku and I thought "no Anakin don't work for him he'll make you a Sith." But the whole Obi Wan's Dooku sex slave, I didn't see it coming. I loved that twist. I kept on saying "come on Anakin save him, Dooku lying don't listen to him." But then I know O I Wan and the Jedi are the heroes. I will never believe Qui Gon would turn, NEVER. This story was great I loved it I couldn't stop reading and I can't wait for the sequel. The only thing I didn't like was the anger Obi Wan had at the end. I know, I know he endured horrendous torture, but I think with his Jedi training and Anakin's help he could have handled it better. I also know you needed that anger for palpatine's plans, but palpatine doesn't have to win. The empire never has to be created (it wouldn't be the same without Vader any ways). That's only a small problem, my last problem is the biggest one and it has to do with your notes after. You said this Obi Wan doesnt have the confidence and iron will found in the Obi Wan from AOTC because he didn't defeat Maul. I think your Obi Wan is as strong or stronger because he faced Maul, yes he had help but he is part of a team so they both defeated Maul, and he survived Dooku without giving in. He might have a dark mark on his soul but with help, he will over come his problems. I think it is a good sign that he was able to ask for help and feel for Anakin.

Sorry, I know this is long but after I read your story I just started writing what I felt. Thank you for this story, it is a little gift and I loved how it made me think about the characters I love, even if Qui Gon is only mentioned and not seen. When Obi Wan said "your my only hope" I pictured Anakin rushing into his room saying "I'm Anakin Skywalker and I'm here to rescue you" Obi Wan would then look at him turn his head to the side and say "your a little late and I'm a little naked. You came in here didn't you have a plan for getting me clothes" (lol I'm only half serious I think.) But seriously now, you have me thinking a naked and chained Obi Wan in my bed, I think that's what I've been missing all my life. Who knew. Now where should I hang those chains, where do I buy those chains ... (I have more to think about then I first thought.)
twilightmecrazii chapter 2 . 6/13/2011
Loved it awesome stuff
twilightmecrazii chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
Loved it awesome poor obi
MissAX chapter 2 . 2/4/2011
I simply love this plotline. A "what could have been" plotline is simply amazing to read :) And I think that Anakin's influence on Obi-Wan and vice versa are very important to their characters. I hope you'll write a sequel to this story (especially given your cliffhanger/open ended ending!) but I couldn't find anything on your profile page :(
Azuma Kio chapter 2 . 4/11/2010
amazing story. over two years now but still amazing nonetheless. i like how your mind works and the different areas you explore. :) this story made my day.
M chapter 2 . 12/27/2009
O ur a brilliant writer
Little Karma chapter 1 . 1/19/2009
i love it so far cant wait to read the next chapter
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