Reviews for Desert Garden
GraceManning chapter 8 . 10/7/2011
Hothothothothot - love it!
heyalove43 chapter 21 . 8/28/2011
This is a really good story so far sad and funny in times. :) please continue with it when you have the time :)
Lady Gunblade chapter 21 . 3/24/2010
I think this might just be one of my favorite chapters. Not only was the father-son memory just heartwarming, I also love how you write Zack going insane for human contact. I know Squeenix would like us to believe he's constantly this happy-go-lucky guy, but I don't think anyone could go for five years without (proper) human contact and still be so cheerful. It's sad to see the fic (and Zack, for that matter) is nearing its end, but I'm still looking forward to reading more! Keep it up!
Lady Gunblade chapter 18 . 3/19/2010
Been a while since I reviewed again, goodness! Ahem. I feel so sorry for Cloud. Well, for Zack as well, but Cloud in particular. 'Angeal' shows up and it's like he's ignored, and that on top of, oh I don't know, mako poisoning? Poor thing. *reads more*
Lady Gunblade chapter 13 . 2/20/2010
You sure have a talent for chapter endings, because again, that ending really did it for me. You also did an amazing job on the whole experiments... made me really squeamish, but that's to be expected in any scene that involves Hojo. You really make me crave more and more of this story. The next chapter is waiting for me, so if you'll excuse me now :)...
Lady Gunblade chapter 8 . 2/19/2010
That last line just did it for me. Lawd, I love this story. I'm sorry about never reviewing before... I admit it's a terrible habit of mine.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am too excited to read on to write a very intelligent review. ;D
Violet Young chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
Allow me to say that this is one of the best stories that I have read on fanfiction. I absolutely love it. I am always annoyed on this site because there will be people that have such good ideas but can't write very well, so their stories are difficult to read. But this story is very well-written, gripping, and... just incredible. I love it so much. UPDATE SOON! haha

If there is anything I don't like is that Cloud really needs to grow a pair. But that's not really your fault, that's just his character haha.

Keep writing!
Amarissia chapter 21 . 1/7/2010

I'm torn between the YAY of update and the OUCH of the story. Zack and Cloud's journey and the hardship of it...I've enver seen anyone do it with this kind of evil realism! MEANIE! :)

As always, I love it and you, even knowing what's coming next...
Amarissia chapter 20 . 8/30/2009
OW, ow ow, knife-twisting hurts! But it's so good when you do it! :)

AGH, I've NEVER felt this bad for Genesis, and mixed in with Zack's pain and the loss he's feeling - of Angeal, his parents, Cloud,'s all so mournful. Good thing I like that.

So lovely still, and so many updates in such a short time. Now you're just inviting more whining the next time you hit a dry spell. :)
I'm At My All Time Low chapter 19 . 8/29/2009
Poor Genesis, his life sucked, being unloved and called a monster by his parents and then learning your friends are also 'monsters'. The poor guy.
Amarissia chapter 19 . 8/28/2009
Dude, already, another one? Thank you!

Hmm, interesting, and it really works. This explanation of Genesis not only fits the events and his character, but makes him more sympathetic. I feel bad for him in a way I couldn't watching the cutscenes, because there I was so focused on Zack. Here, they are both caught in a nightmare.

::hugs them both::
I'm At My All Time Low chapter 18 . 8/26/2009
I don't think I've read a fanfiction so indepth, its so good. I mean, some parts are so sad and I feel like I'm there witenessing it. You have talent, just, wow, amazing job.
Amarissia chapter 18 . 8/17/2009
OMG, I finally get to leave you a DG review for the first time in FOREVER and all my brain is coming up with is "Omigod, you updated, please tell me I'm not hallucinating!"

Okay, brain, calm down. Squee, and you return with such a lovely, pensive chapter for us. I can hear the quiet tension of so many feelings all through it like the sound of waves in a seashell. Zack's memory of Angeal is so powerful when it peeks through the present to haunt him. This whole story is haunting, in the very best way.

And now I'm wondering how you'll handle Genesis...and when. :) Thank you!
Delirium-Dreams chapter 17 . 4/10/2009
Hey! I am now TOTALLY seeing spots cause I have spent the last few hours reading your BRILLIANT story! I don't think I have read anything where Zack and Cloud are so beautifully portrayed together. So addicted now! I wait in anticipation of the next installment! Rhi
Karaii chapter 17 . 12/13/2008
This fic is the most beautiful and impacting story I've read in a long time D: I can't wait to keep reading! Please update soon~~!
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