Reviews for The Beginning of Forever
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 18 . 11/21/2019
Absolutely fantastic. I cannot believe I never found this before.

Thank you very much for a much needed afternoon of happiness.

Impact chapter 1 . 12/24/2017
When I read that the chapters title is “The C Word” I was like, “wait that can’t be” since it’s the title of seasons eight episode in which Wilson has his chemo.. but okay now I get it ;D kinda funny that you used this title all those years ago and there’s an actual House MD title like that :D anyway, I’m loving this story! I won’t stop reading until I’m done! Thanks for sharing!
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 2 . 9/9/2016
So OBVIOUSLY I'm a bit late to this party, but I was bored and needed something to read and came across this little ditty.

Curious as to why House wouldn't be a speaker at this conference...other than the obvious...he doesn't like to.

Like where you've started. Interested in where this is going
RavenDelacroix chapter 17 . 2/17/2016
I am so sorry that I didn't check the stories you have written before writing that review. I guesss that is one of the bad things about reading 7 years later.
RavenDelacroix chapter 18 . 2/17/2016
You HAVE to make another story. You CANNOT...repeat CANNOT just leave it at finding out that Allison is pregnant. I know that I am readinv this a bit late but I loved the whole story and I just want to hear more. This is LITERALLY the first Hameron fanfiction I have read. I was thinking of a couple name for them and I thought Hameron but didn't think it would catch on but THANK YOU. We all...repeat ALL want to know what House would be like as a father and what they would name their child. I think, I am sure you think this too, that Hameron is WAY better than Chameron. U r an hamazing writer. Keeeeep writing.
Sunshine-Midnight123 chapter 18 . 7/19/2013
DayDreamer077 chapter 18 . 4/19/2013
did i not finish reading this? or did not review? lol. haha

that was nice...
ladybellatrix chapter 2 . 8/22/2012
haha, love the reference to jeeves and wooster, awesome :)
justus king chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
try to bring the viewers attrsion in like the are seems like u been in out of to hld it.
linelm chapter 18 . 5/16/2010
Really great story!
please unsubcribe me chapter 17 . 1/14/2010
A Brilliant story!

So glad I found this..

I wasn't sure until the last few lines , that this would have a good ending... Well done!
Jennier chapter 18 . 11/17/2009
Thank you - this is one of my favourite House/Cam fanfics!
Liloexp626 chapter 18 . 9/12/2009
Oh my, you don't know how darn LONG I had been looking for this story... I'M SO HAPPY I FINALLY FOUND IT AGAIN! 8D

You see, I think it was one year ago that I began reading this story of yours, and for some reason I don't remember (I think it was because the story was still incomplete) I stopped reading it. However, about two months ago, I remembered I hadn't finished it off and that I would check just to see if there were any new chapters. I was very frustrated when I didn't find it, and then I looked a second, a third, a fourth time... and still, nothing. The worst of all was that I didn't even remember the name of the story, so I couldn't really look for it as I'd have liked to. Geez, not even Google could help me find it! xD

I had already given up on it when, a few days ago, I came into another House/Cameron fanfiction site and came across with the description of this story and the link. Believe me, I'm not lying when I say I let out a scream of pure joy: "I FOUND ET! LOL, my bro could only stare at me with a look that clearly read "you've finally snapped."

Well, I finally finished it. I already read the other six or seven chapters I had read one year ago and read the others that weren't there by then. My opinion? I absolutley LOVED, LOVED this story! I kept gasping constantly due to the several cliffhangers you got here, and those nice scenes between House and Cameron were indeed beautiful! I was very touched by the way you presented House in this story (my jaw dropped to the ground at the part where he willingly let the doctors amputate his leg. I'm gonna miss that cane D: LOL), and I liked a lot that explanation you gave as to why Cameron loves House (y'know, I never really bought that she loved him just because of his brokenness and because he was her next charity work).

The wedding scene was very touching too, though I found it a bit hard to believe that the Vicodin pills would still be there by then (sea motion and stuff... besides, the plane crash and the fire should have burnt the bottle or something), but I think it was a very meaningful scene, with lots of significant things.

Sorry if my review doesn't sound coherent at all, I'm too happy at the moment xD Please, reply if you can!

shard3n77 chapter 17 . 8/13/2009
you HAVE to write a sequel! i LOVE this fanfic
spauldinga chapter 18 . 7/21/2009

This fanfic has been nominated for an award at the LiveJournal community hc_fanficawards. Please see community . livejournal hc_fanficawards / #cutid1 (take out the spaces) for details and to collect your nominee banner.

Voting begins August 1st. Good luck!
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