Reviews for Take Me To The Water
BingoDingo chapter 9 . 6/2/2018
mara-kun chapter 9 . 5/17/2014
That was definitely interesting ! I really hope you haven't given up on this fic, especially when its started to get really good !
NitroFire PrevChristinaNorcinu chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
Please please please please update!Please please please Please please please Please please please please
TeacupSquid chapter 9 . 2/2/2012
Noooo ahhhhh left off right where there's beautiful relationship progress ;n; Why would you do that? sdjgsdhgj I love how you're characterizing Seto as awkward and inexperienced and a total wet rag when there's ~fun~ that could be had. He's so bitter and it's just hilarious. Katsuya is LOVELY and it's so hard to find a fic where he's not basically thrown off to the side so THANK YOU. Plus the strain in the Mokuba/Seto brotherluv is excellent. I really love this and I hope you're not abandoning it!
Legend of the Blue Eyes chapter 9 . 11/7/2011
This fic is progressing really well, and I especially love how you've kept everyone in-character. This story is so easy to relate to for me, so I really enjoy it. Not only is it realistic, but it's also quirky and humorous with hints of seriousness, which is a great recipe for a fic. Great job, I hope we see the next chapter(s) sooner rather than later!
JustWannaSleep chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
O:! yay a rare fic of SemeKatsuya and UkeSeto 3 so hard to find ;_;

theEnd: lmao XD sounds promising :p
Gus Kinney The Prodigal Son chapter 8 . 11/2/2011
i love you seto a bottom lol in your face seto sit on that seto lol i love the story thank you for makeing it
Ambivalence chapter 9 . 10/30/2011
This is a great story so far - I love how real the characters seem in the way you write their interactions, thoughts, and everything else. The end of this chapter was especially beautiful, with Katsuya touching Seto's scars, and Seto letting him. Looking forward to seeing their friendship/relationship progress! :)
Meshi chapter 9 . 10/30/2011
Love this lots~

And slow is good, better than it feeling rushed.

I want to know what happens next so bad, and what's up with Yuugi and the puzzle. And you make Seto so immature, it's rather endearing actually. Though it does make me cringe when they're arguing in this chapter... (not that that's a bad thing).

Some of the sentences (maybe the wording) read a bit awkward though...
Jonouchi Katsuya chapter 3 . 10/24/2011
This is a review for what I have read so far.

So far there are a few elements of this story that bother me.

#1 Using apostrophes instead of quotation marks.

#2 Antie Mu on the grounds that Seto knows he has family. That family took his inheritance from his father and put him in an orphanage. It may be in your fic canon for this... but as a Kaiba fan, I really don't buy it.

But please don't let that make you believe I dislike this.

You had a couple of cliches that I hate that were quickly remedied by the writing style. The witty come backs, the body language: fantastic and really makes the story what it is. Your vocabulary was exemplary. It is nice to see words I don't normally see in fanfiction.

You should know, I have been "fansqeeing" at my friends. I say AT because they are not puppyshippers.

I love the characterization. I loved Jounouchi's father. I loved Kaiba. Best of all, I loved your Jounouchi. I loved that he punched that punk ass in the fucking face like he so richly deserved. You my dear know of justice. I have been waiting to find a fic that does this ONE thing the right way. Your Kaiba is so immature. I adore that.

Mokuba. Mokuba. Mokuba. Yes. Just yes.

If you would like me to rec you some puppyshipping, I would be more than happy to.I am addicted to the stuff. And I pretty much only like it when Kaiba is portrayed on a lower level than Jounouchi.

This has so far been a pleasant read.
ChaniaGo chapter 9 . 10/24/2011
Haha, i kinda forgot everything that has happened before.. so i had to go back and re read the prev chapters

I love thier interaction.. it's juicy :p

I didnt get the last part.. kaiba had his back to jou.. so how could jou jab his rib?
ranchan-akari chapter 8 . 10/13/2011
This is...intense. Seto feels like he's teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown, and Mokuba's fragile emotions isn't helping. Jou is so completely Jou, it's awesome, even as I'm cringing in my seat as he and Seto start arguing. I wonder what's up with Yami Yugi and Yugi? ;D I can't wait to read more! Please update again soon!
Meshi chapter 8 . 8/14/2011
I reviewed!

Anyways, I LOVE this, first fic with (supposedly) hints of puppy and I'm actually completely and utterly enjoying it! And I'm not even desperately hoping it'll end up platonic.

Seriously enjoying your YGO fanfics, this one especially. The spelling/grammar errors aren't that bad (not enough to really deter from the writing) so just update as soon as you finish the last chapter, please! I need the final chapter! I love how the mood switches from tense to a bit relaxed and lighthearted back to full out aggression, and I obviously really enjoyed the last fight between Jou and Kaiba.

Only thing that throws me off (it's just something that personally irks me) is the names, I guess. They don't call each other what they call each other in the actual canon. Like Jounouchi adding the '-kun' suffix to Yuugi's name (or anybody's for that matter). And people don't call Jou or Honda by their first names in the anime (except maybe family) and Mokuba only calls Seto 'nii-sama', never 'Seto'.

Feels like I'm blabbing, I'm hoping you like longer than average reviews, you don't even really need to read all this, you should already know the story's good. I get that feeling where I need to know what happens next when I read this, it's 4 AM right now.
Legend of the Blue Eyes chapter 8 . 6/9/2011
This story is so awesome! One thing I must comment on is how much I can relate to Seto; the coldness, aloofness, and even shyness around strangers is something I can really relate to. This story so far has even made me laugh because I keep imagining myself and what I would do in the same situation Kaiba is in and I keep finding that I'd do more or less the same thing, especially sitting out on skinny dipping and thinking that it's uncouth lol. I hope you update soon, and give us readers a conclusion that's worthy of the rest of the story! The progression was great, and I think you really managed to capture the essence of Kaiba. You were able to make his character seem like a real person, which adds to the realism (duh) of the work as a whole.

Really looking forward to the next (and apparently) final chapter!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/15/2011
youev got more than ten reviews keep wrihgting please
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