Reviews for Reflecting BloodLight
undertaker98 chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
Oh, I loved this! You really should have continued it, it's a piece of art3 Wonderful, spectacular, and unique
blacquesironrain chapter 1 . 10/24/2011
I wish you would add some more chapters to's should a good story.
VillainousNinja chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
0.o Wow. So angsty, yaay Lovely angst.

Heartless of me, but there it is.

Anyway, I LOVES this story (even tho' I'm not a TobiDei fan). There's such a nice flow to it, even though it is rape. And, it's my favorite pace for a story, though it may move too slowly for some people.

Anyway, keep writing; you're awesome!
crowndaisy chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
One. Of. The. Best. Stories. I. Have. Ever. Read.

(I'm emo)

still, this story is awesome with portraying how Tobi is when he is in Madara mode.

Again, this story is fucking awesome.
Red Songbird chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
wow I mean just wow. That was just an story. I can't really describe it. I felt sad for Deidara for having that happen to him. I liked how you wrote it. I really didn't know what to expect when I started this but I just thought it was so good! I loved the poem at the end. I mean this is just what I'm saying is that I think that poem in the end can really speak to some people. I mean It certainly did to me.
Silverstonedragon chapter 1 . 11/14/2010
it is ooc but thats what makes it a pretty good story.i,personally, have never thought that tobi would do something like that to deidara but, if you do think about it tobi would be capable of doing it.
Amethystte chapter 1 . 10/2/2009

You scared the shit out of me.

Dear god.

Why Tobi? WHY?

Thou hath shattered the fragile line of all that is right in the god damned world.
Ikari-Senpai chapter 1 . 1/29/2009
Yay, this proves my point that Deidara would cut. Now I can follow his footsteps and cut too! :D
Just another Hunter chapter 1 . 1/21/2009 I was actually thinking "aww how cut-wth?" when I read this. It's amazingly well written.
GlompGal chapter 1 . 11/24/2008
omg,that was a very well written one-shot!i loved it!
MelloxChocolate chapter 1 . 11/18/2008
i think you wrote it kind of realistic and i like that this is a true rape story and not one where the victim falls in love with the rapist. good job
Cip chapter 1 . 8/9/2008
This is a very good story. The writing flows and the subject is broached maturely and very well, it really makes me feel for Deidara.

I read your authors note about why you wrote this, and without sounding like I'm intruding, I would like to say that I hope what ever is troubling you passes.

Best wishes

Harada chapter 1 . 7/8/2008
I'M EFFING CRYING. OH MY GAWD. ;o; Poor Deidara! Ohmygawd poor Deidara... -Shudder.-

Damn that had me just SHIVERING at the thought of Tobi getting so violent like that! And Deidara as his target. Good Gawd. Still crying.

But I'll give you this. It was written AMAZINGLY well. It had the power to make me cry. And I'm still scared. How am I gonna sleep now? I'm gonna have NIGHTMARES. XD

In other words, through my mindless rant of my current emotional state...I found it to be amazing. -Nod.- Very much so.
beanielova chapter 1 . 7/3/2008
x poor guy... nicely written
Schizophrenic-Brat chapter 1 . 7/2/2008
Great story. And I understand, the doctors at the mental institute aka "Wellstone" told me to do the same. You write awesome and in a unique way.
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