Reviews for Fated for Forever
Deactivated. Do not contact chapter 61 . 2/6/2016
I'm trying my hardest not to be loud because I'm supposed to be asleep, but I have to say congrats! Now maybe I can finally go to bed...

... one more youtube video won't kill me. Onwards to the internet!
Deactivated. Do not contact chapter 60 . 1/30/2016
Nooooo, don't kill my Colette baby! I'm literally in tears now, and my brother thinks I've completely lost it, but I'm begging you, don't kill her!
Deactivated. Do not contact chapter 59 . 1/23/2016
HOLY CRAP! I saw Mithos being controlled coming a mile away, but by ORIGIN!?

My personal theory was the clasic split-personality one. You've got Mithos, the awesome, nice hero of the war, and you've got Yggdrasil, the evil mastermind. (Possible hint as to part of the plot for my story? Who knows?)
Deactivated. Do not contact chapter 58 . 1/16/2016
Oh wow, this was awesome! I like how you chose to put the tree in Meltokio instead of Palmacosta, although from our PMs earlier I'll admit that I didn't see the tree coming at all.

And would it be that Mithos is finally coming to his senses somehow? Or is there something more sinister going on here...
Deactivated. Do not contact chapter 57 . 1/10/2016
Complete chaos? But what about the Giant Tree over in Palmacosta?
Deactivated. Do not contact chapter 56 . 1/3/2016
Nooooooo! And I liked Collin too! *cries at how 90% of the good guys get killed off in most books*
Deactivated. Do not contact chapter 55 . 12/26/2015
So they get Efreet, but Alicia's going to be in trouble again pretty soon. Does nothing ever go right for the good guys?

At any rate, this was a great chapter, and I can't wait for next week's!
Deactivated. Do not contact chapter 54 . 12/19/2015
Yay, you're done writing! Don't worry if you miss your goal of a chapter a week, I'm here to support you all the way!

*grabs cheerleader gear* Go Darkness-Chill!
TamaraVakarian chapter 53 . 10/19/2015
I finally found this story again! I haven't read it in years, but I definitely remembered it. It's a very entertaining story, I loved it. Following on the off chance that you continue it.
Deactivated. Do not contact chapter 53 . 8/5/2015
It's been almost a year, do you have the next one done yet? I completely understand if you don't though, real life kicks all of us in the rear sometimes. Here's hoping the next one's done soon!
yu-gi-ohlove3 chapter 53 . 1/5/2015
oh this is good please update this I want to read more please update *puppy dog eyes of doom* :3
WindsAcrossThePlains chapter 6 . 11/3/2014
Hmm. Martel seems considerably less evil/insane than Mithos was... Love the way this story is going.
And I'm going to guess that Luin gets destroyed before they get there. I wonder what's up with Magnius...
Rune chapter 53 . 10/11/2014
*Looks extremely guilty*
So, erm thanks for updating. Things are getting pretty good. *Blush*

In my defense there are an awful lot of stories here that are good but don't get updated cause of lack of interest and stuff. Eh he he he _0
banjo2E chapter 53 . 10/11/2014
Nice to see this story rise from its grave.

Looks like that old adage about things changing and staying the same is as true as ever.
Rune chapter 52 . 10/9/2014

What a cruel cliffhanger. Please continue the story.
*Glances at date last updated* Well ****.
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