Reviews for Matagot
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 9 . 2/19/2013
A matagot is a shapeshifting creature that often takes the form of a cat, usually one wearing boots and is said to bring good fortune to its master, if it is not feeling particularly malicious.
I know a fairy tale about it... Amusing. Though I hadn't known the cat to be a shapeshifter, or to be called 'matagot'. Statute of Secrecy, hah? And, unlike Gascony traditions, as the cat was given from the dying owner to his youngest son - or the old father was willing to go through the long agony, or the cat was particularly merciful... It's a French fairy tale that I mention, but it's well-known all over the world. The cat's name remains forgotten; the cat is generally known as Master Cat, or, The Booted Cat.
Flames shall be extinguished with great force because it is bush-fire season and I hate bush-fires. Many Australians do.
"No! Don't burn our son! He doesn't understand what he's doing!" pleaded the boy's father,
He understands perfectly well that you cannot execute a living being without proving gravity of crimes first. Right now, you haven't even proven him to be a criminal. Much less a criminal malicious enough to be punished with death.
"The villagers would not serve a 'demon' and I had not much from my mother anyway." He shrugged. "It is of little consequence. I survive." Light continued walking, a thoughtful look on his face.
It's like meeting an orphan...
Now, because he had too active a conscience he was to be sent away with barely anything, leaving everything and everyone he'd ever known,
But would you have been able to forget seeing a person burned alive, for sins unproven, in front of your eyes? No. You would have either killed others, became a lone traveller, or killed yourself.
What on Earth do you mean? There is no way something as simple as someone knowing your mere name could hurt you. Unless you're suggesting those fools in the village were right to believe in magic.
L accepts food as cat, but not as human. Wonder why...
"One has caught you already? I thought you would be one of the last of this generation to be caught, if ever. So it begins already does it?"
Transformation? Of free-wild cat to a domestic cat?
"Then I will do what I can in the time we have given to us."
Strange phrasing. 'Time we have given to us'.
"Your eyes are… a rather strange shade of red." L commented distractedly, moving back to crouch to the side of Light. "It's really quite a lovely colour." he added.
Neither L nor Light expected this. The old man might know the reason, still.
"I do have a room, but it'll cost your master a silver piece and five coppers." "Why so much?" L asked, extracting six coppers
A silver piece is equal to a copper, or what is happening?
"I know what I saw." Light said stubbornly. "I am certain that you do." L said, staring at him pensively.
Has L put a glamour-disguise onto the coins, and do Light's red eyes have ability to see through disguise?
He'd never tried alcohol, and was curious to see why so many people appeared to enjoy it with such great gusto.
Addiction. Don't you know?
There was… something about this man. Something in his manner that both put him at ease and at the same time set his hair standing on end.
Be wary.
"Light, you really ought to have locked this before you went off drinking." L chastised him, "M'sorry." L looked at Light in surprise. An apology? This was new.
Light knows it's a rookie mistake.
His dark eyes found what they were searching for, lighting upon the thin strips of silver, almost imperceptible unless one was looking for it as he was, lining the frames of the window and the door.
Protecting against magic?
"No other I've seen has experienced such pain from their first time drinking, even if they got as drunk as you did…"
"You can take it up to your room. Steep it for five minutes and keep a cold compress on his head. Your master's not sick- he's been poisoned." she said. "But then- you knew that didn't you."
I thought so...
"I am the brother of the Duke hereabouts; this is the duchy of Felrawthy. This is my lovely daughter, Misa,"
It's certainly a twist upon conventional tale that Light isn't going to like Misa; there is already an established attraction between L and Light.
L said softly, turning to face the other male, who drew in a gasp. "What happened to y' before the Marquis took y'in?" he breathed in shock.
"Who else could have done it? 'Mika' indeed." the cat sniffed. "I was most displeased to hear your kind is interfering in matters that, by Law, are none of your business."
Where does Mikami go? To poison his Master, or to poison himself?
"I wonder what she was referring to when she wished to explain her reasoning behind her obvious flirtations yesterday…" L said thoughtfully.
Is her father dead?
"He can be beyond irritating, that I'll give you. But he is my friend, despite that. Now, I suggest you both let this conversation lie; Mika, you've hit a nerve."
Thank you, Mika.
"Whatever he is, he's not malicious." he whispered decisively before he tentatively brushed one of the many wild strands of hair from L's face.
I hope you do not forget that.
"Dear I know so. But you're right- 'tis odd that the white child has such similar traits to that raven."
L and Light. Near and Mello.
"We find," said the King, "that your gift is rather pleasing, Marquis. And… the way in which it was delivered to us is also uniquely amusing. You have our favour, Light, Marquis d'Keira."
It's dangerous for Marquis.
Majesty is Matt? And Had is Beyond?
Good day, good night, and good luck, L, Light, Matt, Mello, Mika, Misa, Near.
riverraiden chapter 9 . 12/30/2012
A month? Are you sure about that? Still, I don't know all that much about tarot cards, but this is shaping up to be a very good story! It's a shame that you've not written anything else yet... Perhaps that will change soon?
pokemaster101 chapter 9 . 12/17/2012
I've seen this before...about the tarot cards...

L needs a hug. hugs L

UPDATE PLEASE! The LXL needs to come! (lol)

Keep it up! 8DDDDD
Guest chapter 9 . 8/29/2012
That can't be it! Please put up chapter 10 and contiune the story!
ChidorixCixBritannia chapter 9 . 7/19/2012
Sadly, it would seem that you have stopped updating... :(

And how I loved what I had read so far...
TripOverFlatSurfaces chapter 9 . 7/25/2011
My, everything is so mysterious. I'll eat my shoe if there isn't something weird going on with Light too, especially with the whole eye-turning-red incident. The L x Light interactions are so adorable~ :) Even if this hasn't been updated for more than 2 years, I'll be waiting for Chapter 10!
adamantly chapter 9 . 1/3/2011
Matagot is definitely a favourite of mine. Are you still working on it?
Jia chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
Oh so cute and wonderful-!

I love how you portray L and Light!

Oh goodness! I want some more! Hope you UPDATE! I really don't think I want to wait another year ;_;

posh- APH took over and killed DN *sob*

Is this on hiatus? I hope it's not.. This is the most fun I had reading a l/light fic is a while. Coommmeeee bbbaaaaaccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk-! Okay I'll "stop" annoying you...I'll come back later..(hehe)
Lyikael chapter 9 . 9/26/2010
I love everything about this story, the mythicism, the tarpt, Lx Light the TENSION! XD Hope to see more of this soon, its addicting!
FireCookie chapter 9 . 7/15/2010
awsome story,im really looking forwaqrd to the next chappie,i hope you find your motivation again!

keep up the awsome work!
pineapple desu chapter 9 . 5/1/2010
Amazing. L and Light's relationship is absolutely adorable, and the tarot card thing is pretty cool.
Zapheq chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
I know this is but the first chapter, but this is already quite addicting. c: If you have finished writing this, then I thank you very sincerely. If not, I do urge you to please continue. Thank you for your time.
Ilandere Okami chapter 9 . 6/1/2009
I am so glad I found this story to read! It's original and mesmorizing...

I also love your knowledge for the jargon and whatnot of the medival ages. Matt's love for "games" is hilarious and I think Near is an adorable kitten.

Of course, L and Light's relationship, though progressing slower than my tastes, is much more natural for these two men, in my opinion. Keep writing and I hope to see a new chapter soon!

*Giggles* Is Matt in luv w/ Mihael? If so, I understand the cards he was dealt very well...((I think I'll do my own tarrot card reading now! Teehee))

Luvs ya,

IraInvidiaInvictus chapter 6 . 5/24/2009
how come mikami is 'bound' to light too? what did light do to have him as his servant?

and what IS mikami? o.o
IraInvidiaInvictus chapter 3 . 5/24/2009
i'm conpuzzled by that last part. what binding are we talking about? ah well.

this reminds me of puss in boots. what with the marquis-thing going on.
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