Reviews for Finding Silver
Draco Victorious chapter 1 . 3/10/2018
great little bittersweet story, I love it
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 3/2/2015
Frankly, a mother with a colicky infant would hand him or her to Voldemort if there was half a chance the kid would stop crying after long enough of it (been there done that)-and if the baby calms down around Daddy, someone who is Obviously a Weasley is probably pretty safe.

But it's nice that someone is willing to talk to Percy; I hope that the other Weasleys don't look at him and wonder silently/out loud "why wasn't it you instead of Fred?'

I hope.
Lucretia-Caseyandra chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
Gosh, this story is so amazing! You are fabulous writer! ~Caseyandra
Rotfang-Conspiracist chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
This is both incredibly sad, and wondrously beautiful. I love post-war Percy, and how he doesn't quite know what to do with himself. And you've really given Audrey a good character :)

RavenEcho chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
Rather realistic. Best approach I can hope for, I suppose, when I'm so displeased with the epilogue having Percy end up with this unknown Audrey. :)
Update chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
It's so short, but you get such an excellent look at both their characters - especially hers. I love the accidental pun.
somethingborrowed3 chapter 1 . 12/18/2008
This is a rather nice read, though I always thought Audrey was a muggle...oh well. As for your question, it repeats because you are using an outdated version of Microsoft Word, and a recent update outdated it, causing bugs.

You could've fixed it by using OpenOffice, but I think fanfiction fixed the problem.
Wotcher-Tonks chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
Il'Diko chapter 1 . 7/28/2008
I just read your profile and found this among other fabulous fics (but now I'm not in First War mood). Yay for you for making it canon! Your Audrey is lovely, and the sort of person Percy needs I think! I know, I know you heard it before, but how about making a sequell to this? I would be thrilled! :D
A Catholic Girl chapter 1 . 7/24/2008
I loved this. I've always thought of Audrey as a Muggle, and a preserved person, but I love this whole new side you gave to her.
painted.inkblot chapter 1 . 7/17/2008
I always thought of Audrey as a muggle, also, and I really liked your characterization of her. Oddly, the appearance you give her is what I thought she'd look like myself.

I really like what she says to Percy, and I like your after-war characterization of him too. Excellent little piece.
Stephanie chapter 1 . 5/25/2008
you need to stop writing. seriously. your stories are amazing. freakishly good. but they are too good. they are so good that they make me sob and eventually i just start crying so much i can't breathe - which is apparently bad for my health. and i would just not read them, but they're so good i have to. it's a vicious cycle.

sorry about the whole review thing. i would send it in an email, but i don't have an account. :(
unique.normality chapter 1 . 5/20/2008
it keeps repeating the first sentences on my fics too!

i don't know why, but yes, its quite annoying
TheRavenclawNinja chapter 1 . 5/15/2008
You're the only person who could ever make me read Percy/Audrey. And thank you, because it was a delightful story. It's thawing my writer's block as I type.

Nora xx
mustardgirl1128 chapter 1 . 5/14/2008
Oh, wow, that's beautiful. Wow...

I'm practically speechless. I loved Audrey herself, and I loved her metaphor. She was fantastic. I also loved Daniel-three weeks! Aww! The end was so sweet. Very sad & beautiful. Awesome job! This was fantastic!
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