Reviews for Reason For Life
Phanieste chapter 6 . 7/14
ClintonBush43Obama chapter 2 . 6/29
You hit 900 reviews on October 24th, 2015. It is my honor to give you review #1,000 and put you in the four-digit zone on June 29th, 2020!
statetech0 chapter 1 . 6/29
Sirius is lusting after a 21-year-old... Uh-oh...
triojediknights chapter 1 . 6/29
Never been the biggest fan of Sirimione, but will give it a try.
WizMonCruWil chapter 1 . 6/29
Hermione’s going to do what now? This will make the Cursed Child meddling look benign!
geenakmom chapter 31 . 6/1
This is a beautifully amazing story! I’m in complete awe. Thank you for writing this gem.
Ponine12 chapter 31 . 4/29
Sweet! Thank you for sharing
xLaBellaVita chapter 31 . 4/29
AAAAHHHH loved this so much!
AliceCulen chapter 31 . 1/2
Wow. I really wanted to read a fanfiction which dealt with a time travel and the possibility that Sirius knew who was Hermione before he actually met her and you did it! So, congratulations, I love your work. Even if some details bother me (the fact that Hermione didn't do anything to prevent events from happening whereas she's already done it during her third year and the last line of your fanfic (I wanted a much more detailed end. I know, I know, I'm a romantic and I always want "they lived happily ever after" with kids and co...), you write amazingly... and since you write about one of my favorite pairings, I can't not praise your work (and the details are just details and the proof I love your work to pay attention to so tiny little details). I couldn't stop reading your story from the beginning to the end. So keep writing on because I love your style and your work!
Ariel Camel chapter 23 . 12/25/2019
Hi there! I'm not much of a reviewer usually, but I felt compelled. Your story is just amazing, pure gold. I was a bit hesitant at first, as it is very contemplative and it usually isn't much my thing, but the story seemed so good and I always go a few chapters in before making my mind so... And God am I not disappointed! As I said, contemplative stories, with so much narration usually bo5es me pretty quick, but you... You just make it everything. Your writing is wonderful, I'm hooked to your words, you make my heart beat faster and take my breath away and tear me apart and I can literally feel everything. I can't spend as much time as I'd like reading, so it's probable gonna take me a few more days to finish this one, but I'm definitely checking your other stories after that. Keep writing, you've got a gift there, never doubt this
Sophisticated Sage chapter 31 . 9/28/2019
This was the best time travel story I've ever read!
cshen.julienne chapter 31 . 9/1/2019
Narration's brilliant. I enjoyed reading :) Thank you
Daydreamer456 chapter 31 . 6/22/2019
This story was so lovely!
NHPhoenix24 chapter 13 . 4/10/2019
WIzards don’t do bandaids! I’m perplexed.
NHPhoenix24 chapter 7 . 4/8/2019
I’m confused what her mission/goal is on this time turn
I’m enjoying the story.
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