Reviews for Logic
morlana chapter 11 . 7/18/2016
REread the story, most chapters still gave me tears in the eyes. It's been a while since 2012, but I do hope you end the story.
Guest chapter 11 . 3/7/2015
i cried at ryoma's breakdown like asdfghjkl tezuka you asshole
you too fuji
i just
heart broken forever excuse u
Hiruma Musouka chapter 11 . 12/25/2014
You've done a really good job on this fic. I enjoy the characterization and I like what you've done so far. If you still have any interest in the fic, I would love to see it finished one day.
XxKirizakixX chapter 11 . 10/20/2014
T'was beautiful ; - ;.
Ginshi-chan chapter 11 . 6/25/2014
I really really love the ending of this chapter /sighs dreamily
Yuu3 chapter 11 . 1/12/2014 heart,...Tears? Well, there's no tears, but I can feels subtle tug on my heart...More please, please.
Yuu3 chapter 9 . 1/12/2014
Ohhhh, I really like how you portray Echizen. I mean, I already do like how you portray him in previous chapters (good, deliciously wonderful to read and I don't know how to describe how much I like how you show Echizen) but this chapter is. Just. Fabulously. Magnificent. Not just Echizen (though, hmm, I honestly think its still mostly him) but Fuji as well. ...I really, /really/ love how you portray Echizen.
EternaLegacy chapter 11 . 12/23/2013
So, I'm searching the POT fandom and come across this. This completely beautiful gem. Oh my gosh, I'm crying. The way you portray the emotions kills me (in a good way). I feel so bad for Ryoma, but I wouldn't have it any other way then how you've written it. I'm fangirling so hard. Then I check the update date. A YEAR AGO IS WHEN YOU UPDATED?! Why? Mehhhhh. Sorry, I'm so demanding. It'd be nice if you could tell why, but you won't see this anyway. Gahhh.
Purpleflower00 chapter 10 . 11/12/2013
God. God. There are no freaking words. I think you made me cry. Poor Echizen... I feel so bad for him, and because he's my favorite character, I feel a sort of sick glee that Fuji and Tezuka are somewhat suffering. But, simply put, an amazing idea and beautifully written. Every word you write enraptures me to the point where I couldn't look away if I tried. Thank you for writing this. Truly. I look forward to the next chapter, should you choose to continue this.
JigokuTenshi834 chapter 11 . 2/2/2013
Yay They kinda made up again! :D
I love this story! 3 I reaalllllyyyy can't wait for the next update XD
Blueberry323 chapter 11 . 1/19/2013
Wah! Please continue this! I'm crying my eyes out you have to finish! The raw emotion in this fic is beautiful and it hurts and agh I just wanna cry! I was waiting for this chapter where Ryoma needs to yell and scream and cry but he doesn't cuz everyone's being an idiot and and and FujiRyo is being so slow at developing and I love explosion scenes and their both so hungup on Tezuka Tezuka Tezuka! *Headpillow* *sobsobsob*
Blueberry323 chapter 7 . 1/18/2013
...I...I...I really need to draw some sad depressing Ryoma Fanart now...*sniff* and no I'm not crying...and...and...and...WAAAAHHHH! *sobs*
MsQueenWitch chapter 11 . 10/31/2012
don't stop writing its good
Missography chapter 11 . 9/19/2012
Wow, I absolutely love your portrayal of emotion. It is realistic, heart wrenching and so fantastically bitter that I just want to cry and comfort and just be a part of the story. I can not wait to read more of this engaging story.
The runt Duchess chapter 11 . 8/11/2012
omg omg omg...this is amazing. It's like you're THERE, you know? You follow along with the character's thoughts...brilliant. I *love* it. great job! I hope you can update soon again, this is REALLY good! :)
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