Reviews for Quietly
Myou Matsuro chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
This was cute, and it brightened my day. (Technically, night at this hour, but it's all relative)

Playing the original Friends of Mineral Town, I had faced the big debate on whom I wanted to marry, and in all of the files I've played (because I love to restart) I probably had the hardest time choosing between Mary and Ann the most.

You hit on pretty much every point I love about Mary in here, and I love how very in character this all seems. I don't mind the bit on Claire - after all, someone has to play the foil/bad guy and in a way she and Jack do seem to dilly dally between girlfriends and boyfriends all the time.

I love the characterization of Gray, because although he isn't usually this talkative, I do believe that Mary would bring him out just as he brings her out, and they go very well together. (which is often why I opt to marry another girl so that she and Gray can be together, haha, the sacrifices we make 3) Additionally, I love each part on the other bachelors, because it sounds very much like them. The part on spinach made me chuckle, and I have to agree with Kai's sentiments.

Very sweet, and I love her little comeback at the end.
Katie chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
Changing Claire into a complete ** to boost Mary's self-esteem? Hmm, not winning brownie points with anyone there, are you? (Well, except the hardcore Mary fans who see themselves in her and so make her a Mary-Sue self-instertion) Sure, I hate it when Claire is a Mary-Sue in fics, but bashing is even more horrific and it seems like you're no better than any amateur writer. As an author, you've lost my respect.
BrittTopia chapter 1 . 4/26/2010
That, was an amazing story. It made my heart smile and made me smile. :) It was a story I could compare to lol anyways, wonderful job. I loved it.
high improbability chapter 1 . 5/28/2009
Perfect stuff! I loved it!
Sunny Morning chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
Wow. Wow wow wow.

Coincidence or what?

I've been having a day like Mary had today. Y'know when somebody bullies you constantly and in the end you're so tired of unsuccessfully trying to prove them wrong that you give in and start to consider that what they're saying is true? Like that. Like what Mary had with Claire. And now, I realise I was wrong to think that - to believe them.

And so I really really want to thank you for writing this. I know this isn't much of a review, but I wanted to let you know that your story has done a good deed today. I'm favouriting it.

This is a major pick-me-up for people in my (and Mary's) position. I might send it around a bit.

Thank you once again for writing such a truly wonderful, confidence-riddled fic, and I hope you carry on to write more.

~ Sunny
RWT chapter 1 . 11/5/2008
I stiffened at the doubt laced in his voice. “Absolutely.”

“Huh. Then why,” he asked, reaching for my book, “are you pretending to read Jane Eyre upside-down?”

-Gold XP!

“I heard he debated asking you out to a festival for a good two hours…all while standing in front of your house, pacing.”

-The kid needs more self-confidence and courage.

Nice breakdown on the personality on the guys. Made the canon pairings look more appropriate now. Though I think Claire is being badder than usual; (But then so many Clairex? it's a fresh change).
Durotos chapter 1 . 8/29/2008
Very cute story! I think that Mary resembles a lot of us, and it was good to finally read a story about her where she was shown in a good light.
1672033 chapter 1 . 8/28/2008
I usually don't care for fics that make Claire out to be a bitch, but you- you did it so masterfully, I can't help but root for Mary. I'm iffy about how all -okay, most- of the guys wanted to ask her out, but again, you kept all of them and Mary in character. You pulled it off somehow, providing completely reasonable explanations why they didn't ask her out. Anyways, the ending, in my opinion, was the best part of the story. Not because it ended, but I appreciated how you didn't suddenly transform into a Greek Goddess and that she's still herself. So, all in all, I liked the story, if you couldn't tell. XD
tajikistan9696 chapter 1 . 8/20/2008
That was awesome.

I loved the end, with Claire.


Good Job.

A great fic.
Nightglider chapter 1 . 6/17/2008
hahaha omg I SO enjoyed reading that! VERY well done!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 6/7/2008
Utterly adorable. I particularly liked Gray's portrayal. Good job!
Scarlet Snidget chapter 1 . 5/19/2008
That was so cute! I never thought Mary was ugly, just plain... I hardly talked to her because she was so shy. But she deserves some love. I also liked Gray. He's so gruff most of the time; you sweetened him up. :)
Moonlit Dreaming chapter 1 . 5/19/2008
Squee! _ What can I say? I knew I was going to love this the second I saw 'Gray x Mary' written in the summary.

It was so prefect. Especially the ending, which I absolutely LOVED. Great work as always!
Jean Cooper chapter 1 . 5/18/2008
I don't mind at all. It made me fall out of my chair in laughter. This was a very good one-shot, and I just have to fav it. Wonderful job on that, though I'm hoping to see you ship some crack pairings later on *cough*KaiMary*cough* I'll see you in the forums sometime
Zianna chapter 1 . 5/18/2008
That was so cute! Ah the note at the beginning was a nice touch too, I adore Mary. It was wonderfully written and the end made me laugh. Cliff and Mary, you don't know how many ideas I have now... Anywho, this was very good! I enjoyed it imensely
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