Reviews for Summer Nights
Madbean76 chapter 17 . 3/31/2019
Loved this story...hope it continues one day :)
Alien chapter 17 . 1/6/2016
Fuck you!
waterspin77 chapter 17 . 7/9/2014
Hi! I never comment on these things, but after browsing through a bunch of these based on the 'favorite' filter, I wanted to let you know that I think this one is by far the best written! I LOVE what you chose to do with the story and the characters and it's well thought out and the transitions are very smooth. I'm really impressed and I was definitely hooked after the first chapter (and I can't say that for many other of theses stories out there). The problem with that is that I was SO disappointed to read that you don't want to finish it :(. I totally understand...but... it's 2014 now... any chance you might take a shot at it? (pretty please?)
Nytel chapter 17 . 4/23/2014
Dear "Guest" user who has commented on several chapters of this fic and many more of my Kara/Lee fics. This is AU. It's meant to be different. You don't like the story and don't agree with how I've tweaked aspects of canon and the character personalities (much as you didn't with my other fics). That's fine. This, and a lot of my other writing, was undertaken for fun and was intended to be significantly different from the show. If you don't like it, then don't read it. It's quite a simple concept really. It seems you are harbouring resentment over the show and what occurred between Kara and Lee. Again, that's fine, but no need to take it out on others. Although I am always happy to receive constructive feedback from readers, you reviews are a series of complaints. And for that I will come back to the simple concept - if you aren't enjoying my fics, then there is no need to keep reading them. :)
Guest chapter 13 . 3/13/2014
Lee is just not like that. He was never insecure. IN canon Kara did more than a few pretty nasty, hateful tings to him. But this is just so not him. Not really Kara either.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/13/2014
I dont see Lee having a guilt thing going on here. I could see it when he had an attraction for Kara and Zak was in the picture. Without Zak though - nope. Lee does guilt every time he gets laid? I mean thats just strange.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/13/2014
Here we go.
Kara the super woman amazon. The bestest pilot. The bestest pyramid player (what a lame game that looks like) The bestest triad player, The bestest runner, fighter, frakker.
It's a bird, its a plane its...Sigh
Guest chapter 3 . 3/13/2014
Another fic with Lee as some kind oof shy, simpering, addled school-boy. Lee's reputation in canon wasnt as a tight ass. It was more of a guy who could let loose with the best of them but was too smart to get caught.. He never struck me as the shy type, nor did he seem to lack confidence. If anything he came off pretty cocky. I doubt he lacked for attention from women either.
Siremele chapter 17 . 12/8/2013
I arrived late at the bsg fandom. Actually, I am at season 2 of the show just now, and I am watching just 1 episode per week, so it will not finish to me so fast. It is kind of nonsense, but well, this is me. /

And I am reading fanfiction. I know I am at continuous risk of reading spoilers (actually I already found one or another), but I really need fanfictions when I am so crazy about something. And here I am, reading Kara/Lee fics insanely.

And here I am commenting on your fanfic. It is a great work. Your original characters are awesome. Michael is sweet and I loved Jean with all my heart. The canon characters are great, too. I totally believed in both Kara and Lee.

I loved your plot. I like stories set pre-series because the characters do not have, yet, all that burden. I liked the way you put things like the broken relationship between the Adamas, the strong friendship between Lee and Micheal, the distant and then closing relationship between the Thrace siblings.
And of course I loved the romance. The way those two begun just atracted to each other until the undeniable fall in love mixed with the doubt about the feelings of the other was amazing. It was all beautiful, well developed, the hot scenes were hot and everything was very captivating.

Then I reached chapter 17 feeling sorry because the story was ending, and, well, I saw your note. I screamed, my boyfriend woke up, I had to explain why the hell I was screaming of frustration. He doesn't read fics, poor thing. (

The point is: I totally understand these things of lose the will to write. It already happened to me and I saw it happening with a lot of other authors. It is sad, but it happens. Real life sometimes is a bitch, and really spoils our plans from time to time. I understand this too much.

But I wanted you to know that if one day you feel inclined to continue the story, I will be right here to read. And I imagine I am not the only one.

I want so much to see how Lee and Kara will sort things out, how they will do the talking and clarify their feelings one to another. I want to laugh a bit more with Jean, and I want to love Micheal for learning to be nice to Kara, and I want more hot scenes. I want an ending, because your story deserves it.

panther73110 chapter 17 . 6/22/2013
Just wondering if you are going to finish this story
lordessoftime-tau chapter 17 . 5/4/2013
Oh come on! Post! Please with a Battlestar on top?
rolalinii chapter 17 . 1/30/2012
although i doubt we'll see this story finished i just thought i'd say that i enjoyed summer nights
safsbap chapter 17 . 1/16/2012
Just started reading fan fiction this fall and really have enjoyed the stories that build the relationship of Kara and Lee before BSG, like this story. I like the sneaking around and the on/off struggle they have building their relationship. Lee is not as stiff and shows he is capable of relaxing. Kara still has her demons, but can get around them to not lose out on this chance with Lee. I liked how Jean kept on Kara about Lee to make sure something happened there. It was funny to read how Jean and Zak were dicussing the relationship and Micheal was clueless. Well I hope you get inspired again one day becaused I really have enjoyed this story so far!
Aliennut chapter 17 . 9/22/2011
Hope one day you come back because this story is amazing. Wonderful writing.
Parzival vi Britannia chapter 17 . 6/4/2011
aww man im sad you stopped this fic :( its really good hope you restart one day!
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