Reviews for Fool to Think & Gotta Have You
Msmiumiu chapter 2 . 4/23/2016
OMG! I just found this story. It is really beautifully written. I can really see Mark doing that, admitting his feelings at the end. That was truly beautiful. Please update whit another chapter... Please!
KouenTaisa chapter 2 . 11/26/2009
A fanatic even on holidays? You better believe it, but just because I am sick as a dog and had to miss my dinner so I was like "what better way to feel better than read some amazing stories"? So here I am, reading away.

At first, I wasn't sure if I was all into Fool To Think (but only because I thought he was trying to sleep with Addison first). After I realized that it wasn't Addison, I relaxed, laughed, and settled in to finish both part one and part two. I like the way you portray Mark in the first one, and perhaps slightly more mature in #2.

Addison is always a love hate person with me, but I think I like #2 because it's just brushing the very start of something, and you didn't get into this huge long story that we know, but instead you created something just a little new.

Now this long as review is done, haha. I promise not to fill your inbox up too much today.

Happy Thanksgiving.
AFey chapter 2 . 7/29/2009
"And the only reason she lets the cab drive on is that she knows if she started something with him, she wouldn’t be able to stop either."

*dies* in a good way.

From a totally selfish point of view, I hope you decide to write more Mark and Addison :)
maddison forever chapter 2 . 6/4/2008
Oh wow. I just found this story. It is really beautifully written. I can really see Mark doing that, admitting his feelings at the end. That was truly beautiful. Please update soon.
Jody chapter 2 . 6/3/2008
I feel so sad for Addison,thinking that Mark would rather be anywhere else than with her.I glad that Mark pushed her away because it gave him a chance to explain why he couldn't kiss her and reveal his feelings for Addison finally found the magic again.
Jody chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
This was really good.I love that he ran all the way to her house just to tell her how he bad Derek(that idiot) Mark,hopefully he'll get his chance soon.