Reviews for Lily's Son
AgoraEmily chapter 23 . 7/19
This was the best chapter, yet! The characterizations were spot on and the plot is forming up nicely. Thank you for all the hard work in writing this story.
tiffanythibedeau chapter 47 . 7/18
please continue
Airiles'Malfoy chapter 47 . 7/7
please continue.
madnessdownunder2 chapter 39 . 6/8
maybe he had to repeat a year, injury or illness, or started late. I live in Australia and for years our states had different starting ages from 4 to 6 depending on what part of the year you were born
abby chapter 12 . 6/6
Awww now I'm hungry, why you do this to me!?
abby chapter 10 . 6/5
abby chapter 3 . 6/5
Abby chapter 2 . 6/5
Abby chapter 1 . 6/5
SlytherinsFerret chapter 25 . 5/25
Ok, I'll stop answering the end of chapter question because it gets boring and's already written, so why bother? Anyway, this is a very well written book. I have read so many on various platforms, so it's really hard to find long ones, possibly finished ones that are interesting enough for me.
SlytherinsFerret chapter 24 . 5/25
I think that Harry would only go down to the chamber, if someone was in danger. Like Ginny. Even if she's a Weasley and has nothing to do with Harry, he would never let a student die, be it a friend or an enemy. But other than that, I don't think he'd go down because he knows what's down there. He's too much like Lily for that. But I do think and hope that there is some kind of library that used to be Salazar Slytherin's a thousand years ago with all kinds of books, potions and stuff and maybe even, and that would be perfect, a cure for werewolves.
SlytherinsFerret chapter 23 . 5/25
So, let's answer this chapter's questions, right? I have to admit, Dumbledore is very powerful. He is thick, but powerful. That's why I don't think that he will loose the stone. And there is only one reason for that I can think of. The protections may be easy for a first year to overcome, but the thing with the mirror won't help Voldemort because he wants to use the stone and not just have it. I think at the end of the year, if Harry hasn't gone down that trapdoor, either Dumbledore will try again in second year or he will give the stone back to its rightful owners. But I still don't understand why the Flamels didn't have the stone in the first place. Do people other than the ministry and Dumbledore even know where they live? I know that Dudley is way smarter than he seems to be, so I guess that he will either guess from what Harry tells about the school and put the pieces together or he finds the books in Harry's room. But I think that Petunia would explain magic to her son anyway. For Draco and Neville I would have them trying out rollercoasters or a fair anyway. I don't think the wizarding world has fairs, so that would be a cool change for an 11-year-old. Maybe Harry and Dudley (if he knows about magic) will explain about movies and want to watch horror movies, just to prove how mature they are, and end up screaming every three seconds. But then laughing because of their 'girlish' screams, so yeah...
SlytherinsFerret chapter 22 . 5/25
I hope, Harry will look in the mirror, but not in the middle of the night. Face Voldemort...I have no idea, because as he didn't really break any rules yet, I don't suppose he will. Unless they forget the time and somehow end up in the third floor corridor again and Harry gets curious. I think, if they see Fluffy, Harry gets curious and would want to know what Fluffy guards. Harry is James' son too, after all. Voldemort will definitely not get the stone because it is in the mirror and you can only have it, if you only want to have the stone. If you want to use it...your loss, you won't get it. Anyway, Voldemort coming back through the diary? I don't know, where would his memory thing go? To his snake-like body? I personally prefer the fourth year thing, though I hope, Cedric survives in this story. Also, I don't think that Lupin will teach in Harry's second year, because idk. I mean, I think that Dumbledork will be thick enough to hire Lockhart, so yeah. So I think, Lupin's job will stay in third year. And Sirius...I've read many stories with him as a History of Magic teacher, though I honestly can't see him that way. And I doubt that Dumbledore would hire him anyway, because he could get in the way of Dumbledore's plans for Harry. And to the aurors, NOPE. I mean, it was them, who put him into Azkaban, after all. Yes, Dumbledore may have told them not to give him a trial, but still. They could have done it anyway, Dumbledore isn't Merlin. So I think, he'll be jobless at first, but maybe make his mastery in one of his school subjects, I don't know. But I could definitely see him staying unemployed to help Harry and spend time with him and living on the money. But IF Dumbledore would hire Sirius as a teacher, I would think he would either teach DADA or, what I personally don't really like, History of Magic. The other subjects I don't know how he was at school and there are good teachers not keen on resigning any time soon anyway.

Ok, that took a while to type, but I figured that I should probably read the questions and write a comment to tell you my thoughts on how I would imagine the events and stuff. I'd bet it's interesting to see what other people think will happen next in the story.
SlytherinsFerret chapter 20 . 5/25
Please let Sirius forgive Remus, I seriously (no pun) can't live with them being enemies, or what seems to be a kind-off rivalry now
SlytherinsFerret chapter 10 . 5/25
I hope that Gred and Forge find them and join them or something. I mean, Draco knows more spells than them and they're two years above them
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