Reviews for Fifteen Pairings
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Being an expert on MGS you portrayed snake well with his ominous knowledge but remember he is a veteran a war quote may characterize him in your future works
Guest chapter 2 . 7/11/2012
yay new fav pairing!

screw zelda!
truemugs chapter 1 . 5/2/2012
I've never put much thought in this pairing, but I will give you props for pulling if off. Good characterization and pace, which most one-shots I've read on here lack.
whatanauthorsgottado chapter 3 . 12/30/2011
This is a really good...collection of oneshots, for lack of a better term. I'd kind of like to see a FalconXPeach. Please continue the oneshots!
Maximus- Reborn chapter 3 . 7/14/2011
I should've reviewed this chapter a long time ago. I loved the Snake x Zelda chapter the most for a while, but you seriously won me over with Peach. Her light-hearted demeanor combined with Snake's sarcastic nature made a beautiful chapter.

And you didn't wreck Snake at all. He's pretty damn cryptic in the games, so... well done.
Dark Lord Link chapter 2 . 1/31/2011
That was damn good. I really enjoy this pairing, there difficult to master in any other genre other than humor, so it proves quite a challenge! My hat off to you, and I hope you do more on this pairing!
HeartSmack chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
Hmmm... You got Snake and Zelda's personalities down pretty well, though I would have made her a bit more regal in her mannerisms.

Why not RoyxPeach, Sonic, or Pit chapters? Sonic is pretty interesting in terms of pairings because he's different than the nintendo people, much like Snake. I certainly wouldn't scoff at a SonicxZelda.

As for pairing suggestions, I'd like to see your rendition of MewtwoxPichu(Fem) or a LuigixSamus.
Anyone chapter 3 . 5/23/2010
You really are an awesome writer! Maybe you could do an IkexSamus one shot... there aren't a lot of stories about them, and they need more love! But I don't want to push you. Do whatever pairing you want, and I hope you'll update soon:D. Awesome job!
Soldier's Shadow chapter 3 . 5/7/2009
Do not worry, you didn't besmirch Snake. The only real flaw was the fact ypu referred to him as a spy rather than a mercenary or soldier. Its only a minor mistake that most people in this fandom make.

Allow me to give you some quick pointers on Snake's persona. Snake's defined as smart, tough, and a bit of a 's a badass but he's still human meaning he has emotion.

For some help with his persona, check out some MGS cutscenes to get a better idea of how Snake acts.

Great chapter!

Crazy Foxie chapter 3 . 4/21/2009
If I had stumbled onto your story like a randomer, I would have believed you were a major fan of Snake in both his games and attitude. There's something about his behaviour that makes you wonder what's actually running through his mind, and I think you wrote that especially well. But you know, that's just an outsider's opinion.

So, to Peachy. I love her characterisation in this. As you said, it's a very different approach to any other story you've done with her -nods to latest update of Perfect- No offence to your other works, but I like this one a lot better ;p

Hehe, I also laughed out loud when Snake took the folder ;p I knew that was going to happen...5 seconds after he smiled.

Keep up the brilliant work and update soon!
Mild Guy chapter 3 . 4/18/2009
Coming into this section and seeing this story on the front page made my day. I tried to savor this chapter, reading it in little pieces, but even so it was over all too soon.

Not that I’m saying it’s too short. You’ve fit a lot into just under 3K words. I envy your short story writing abilities. Tell me your secret!

This Peach did seem a little more flighty, a bit more naïve, and a bit more easily swayed by her emotions that the Peach of your other stories. However, I also got the impression that she’ll turn into the Peach of If You Let Me as time goes on and she grows more worldly, or more used to “the way things work around here.”

The characterization of Peach and Snake was excellent and felt real to me, along with all the bit players. I know these one shots aren’t supposed to be connected, but I could swear it felt like you were foreshadowing future events.

The role reversal Snake spoke of was a highlight of characterization, and it once again shows how inventive you are with these simple prompts. Like the Link and Samus pairing, it plays against expectations. I also loved the ambiguity of Snake’s intentions. The Patriots are obviously controlling Master Hand, or is Master Hand training the Smashers to fight the Patriots? WE MAY NEVER KNOW!

I loved the detail in this line: “He stops a few feet short of the courts, and the crisscross shadow of the metal railings mar his face.”

Reading this, I also wanted to see Bowser in a pairing sometime. I’ve long since forgotten who I requested originally, so forgive me if I repeat myself.

And what’s this about a new story? I’ll keep my eyes peeled.
CURIOUS chapter 3 . 4/18/2009
What's the groundbreaking info on Marth Lowell? I want to know!

Oh and very good oneshot by the way...Snake really knows how to impress the girls. Heehee...

Maybe you should try Snake/Samus next? You know, kinda complete the collection?
Razzkat chapter 3 . 4/17/2009
…Has anyone ever told you that you really like semi-colons? XD I think that’s wonderful, but it can get a bit tiresome for the reader if there are too many long sentences connected in a row: [Peach can understand why many are wary around him; he's quite imposing and she doubts there's even a second when he isn't scrutinising or analysing. Master Hand was extremely unhappy to extend an invitation to Snake; according to her boss, "once a spy, always a spy", and he stands firm with his belief that Snake is here to see the Mansion end.] And then in the next paragraph you used another…

[After all, the Smash Brothers tournament is Master Hand's pride; and Peach too has strived to make the Mansion the leading place for warriors and heroes and villains alike – surely no one has their heart set on destroying it?] You probably don’t even need one there, although it certainly doesn’t take away much. XD It’s a small grammar thing, but I just thought I’d point it out.

Interesting chapter. Not my favorite, but that’s hardly saying anything as I think they’re all great. X3 No outright romance, but I definitely don’t think that’s what you’re intending for any of these stories, which is clever, very clever…X). A nice, pulled tension in the middle and end of this one…is Snake a spy? Could he be sending all of Smash Bros. crashing down in any second? Amazing. Hm, I have to admit…I like your Less than Perfect/IYLM Peach better. Normally I like strict, to-character interpretations, like airy Peach here, so I think it speaks volumes to your ability to create an interesting character out of her in everything else you do. She felt a bit flat here, but that’s okay, I think that’s what you were trying her out for. The tense was interesting: I thought that the present tense was effective, but it felt a little strained in places, like “Peach has never had a problem with asking...” I don’t know, maybe you meant that…I don’t know. XD

I think you characterized Snake quite well. He’s quite good at hiding his emotions, and the image of him at the end merely slamming his tennis ball into the net instead of shouting or waving his arms around or something was right on. The only thing is, I don’t think he’d outright say the “You serve up dinner with the staff…” paragraph like that. Even though, as you said, he was giving a subtle compliment through that, I don’t think, um…saying any outright affirmative statement like that is exactly his style. XD But no problem. Interesting you chose two Snake pairings out of three so far…is there a reason for that?

Great job. You’re a wonderful writer, especially when it comes to images and descriptions (“worn carpet like a fingerprint in dough,” etc.) I want to take notes from you. Meh! X3

Clear Blue chapter 1 . 4/17/2009
If you like, please do Ike/Zelda. I really like this pairing alot. :)
The GamerSwordsman chapter 3 . 4/17/2009
Well, that was certainly interesting. But still never the less. Um sadly that's all that I can think of to say right now.

So good job and I'm can't wait tof you to update "A Step Down from Prefect" again.
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