Reviews for Lord of the Rings II The return of Sauron
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 10 . 2/24/2010
Dood! This rocks! Wow! I wouldn't have thought it would, and I have to admit that I was skeptical when I read the summary. But it's awesome! I love how you've modernized Middle Earth believably. It totally works! Yet it still feels like Middle Earth too. And I like how you've got good guys and bad guys of all races as well. Much better! I really wish, though, that this story didn't seem to have been abandoned at chapter ten! I'd love to hear more!
Mousewolf chapter 10 . 7/6/2005
eh. C'est tre bon.
EpitomyofShyness chapter 10 . 4/9/2005
O! Please update!
Shantazzar chapter 10 . 9/6/2004
Very good story, liked all the gun names, lol. Im actually kinda suprised how everything still fits together, though not in exactly the same order
Kusco chapter 10 . 6/29/2004
Wow glad to see that you're back and man that must have been one case of writers block! But it doesn't seem like you have it anymore. Very good description of Lorien, and I liked the fact that you made a dwarf the scientist it fits very well.

"It was still present, but muted, like music from behind a wall."

I just got to say that this is great description I really like that line! Keep up the good work, I hope that you can update soon.
Tarock chapter 10 . 6/29/2004

Quiet chapter but interesting for the story. 'Til next time !
XMark chapter 10 . 6/29/2004
I'm back!

Jeez, between the first half and the second half of this chapter was something like five months. Crazy writer's block, but I'm relatively certain I'm over it now. Enjoy! Next chapter's coming sooner than you think.
Tarock chapter 1 . 6/12/2004
DUDE ! Are you still alive ? hello ? SPEAK ! I START TO WORRY ! I NEED THE REST OF THE STORY ! PLEAZ (starts to cry like a baby)
Seera8472 chapter 9 . 6/3/2004
OHMYGOD this is so FUNNY! The Ring in Middle Earth! Black Riders on MOTERCYCLES! I nearly died LAUGHING! WHE! Keep writing!
balrogthane chapter 9 . 5/3/2004
Hey, this is really cool! Goofy- but not stupid. Kinda thought provoking. You are going to continue, right?
-(- - -
Kusco chapter 9 . 2/13/2004
Intresting story, I like the combination of characters, also very interesting concept. I only have one question. How do you account for the one Ring still existing? Tolkien and Jackson were pretty good at showing us that it was destroyed. If you want you can email me the answer. I'll be looking forward to any updates that you may have.
treza chapter 1 . 2/3/2004
Hi I'm a big fan of this story of yours. I've been reading for quite some time now (even your first version of it) and I think it's excellent! So I'm just hoping that you can continue with it because I really really want to find out what happens next. Good Luck
Phoenix Flight chapter 9 . 1/9/2004
This is one of the funniest, and... well, disturbing LotR fics I've read in a while. Keep up the good work!
Arc Trader chapter 9 . 12/23/2003
Truth be told, I find this quite amusing.
As I was reading Chapter 8 when the Nazgul burst into the concert and start shooting, I actually started laughing and thought to myself, "Ringwraiths with machine guns?"
Yep, that *did* feel like a John Woo movie scene.
ljud chapter 1 . 12/22/2003
wow. that iz soo good.
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