Reviews for SUICIDE NOTE
Guest chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
Chellyisback chapter 10 . 5/11/2012
owwww! so cute! this is story is just amazing! make a Sequel!
sami1010220 chapter 9 . 2/19/2011
lol, that was a cute final line. i'm not sure how i felt about how...idk, emotional a lot of the characters were, and i've never been a big fan of matt, mello, and near, nbut damn, what a hot fic, lol. good job
Nobody S. Storm chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
Oh My Gosh, I remember reading this a long time ago, and then I couldn't remember who wrote it and where I read it, so I squeeled with glee when I found this, and I was so happy because I really love this story, I loved how you really captured their personalites and everything and this story is seriously AMAZING.
realityfling18 chapter 1 . 12/20/2008
love it
Opacus chapter 10 . 9/20/2008
Eh. The story was worth the read, if a bit anticlimactic. Also, while a sex scene here and there can add to a story sometimes, there was so -much- of it and so little actual development that it all seemed just a bit too.. high school fan girl for my tastes, to be bluntly honest.
Lady Kiome chapter 10 . 8/18/2008
very nice story.

i liked it.

the deleted scenes were also enjoyable and the last few helped to clarify somethings. So, thanks for that.
Hexe27 chapter 9 . 8/11/2008
Boy, am I glad this story is complete! It's so good, I would have freaked if I'd had to wait for updates! *lol* As I said in my earlier review, I love the adults you've made them become. I think Nia & Mero totally stole L & Light's thunder - and I bloody loved it. Mero's foul mouth more than anything... your Mero reminds me frightfully of myself. The swearing, the bitchiness, the jealousy... I didn't like him in the manga at first, and every "What DN character are you?" quiz told me I was like him. Which is probably why I couldn't stand him.

Anyways. Great story. Would love to read more by you.

Btw, thank you for your reply to my first review. If you ever WANT a beta reader for your Death Note fics, I'd volunteer. ;)
Song Of Eternity chapter 1 . 8/8/2008
I love this story. I recommend that you made shorter paragraphs, as the story is currently a bit "bunchy" as it were.
Hexe27 chapter 3 . 8/7/2008
I started reading this story last night, and it had me hooked from the very first moment. I'm a writer myself, i.e. I am picky, but this is truly very, very good work. The plot is intriguing and your character description is simply stunning. I love how you've developed them further, I love the people who've made them become all those years after the Kira case.

I'm really looking forward to reading the rest.
AreataKaze chapter 10 . 8/7/2008
hey question. Does Ryuuku's hair look like Captain Hitsugaya's hair from Bleach, but black? Like this?

[IMG] gi254. [/IMG]
AreataKaze chapter 3 . 8/7/2008
Umm do you know that Mello only tranlates to Mero because there is no L in the japenese lanuage? They said L's name by saying "El". My name is Alison but in Japan it's Arison do you get it? Like Matt in the japenese version was "Matto". That's how they got from Raito to Light. Take the 'o' off the end and it's Rait. Then change 'r' to 'L' and it's Lait. Hence the whole Light thing...sorry if I sounded like a teacher...I love this story so far tho! Mello x Near rox! and ur right, Boy love is the only way to go! I'll give you Nia tho... that's how they say Near...
shirosunday chapter 10 . 7/25/2008
Oh... now i really AM curious about the Louisville Lecter case... please write it... 0
shirosunday chapter 9 . 7/25/2008
haha I like this! Hurrah for human Ryuk! But damn. Light didn't realize he had feelings for L for ten years? Poor L... ah well, at least they ended up together in the end. yey! I especially like the 'using each other' of Light and Near. Nice twist!
amzyy37 chapter 1 . 7/22/2008
I like it.
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