Reviews for A New Life
tsubakiryuu chapter 36 . 7/24
after rereading for who knows how many times i still love this fic. this is one of my favorite time travel harry fic. i can feel the characters emotion. and the writing is also great.
drunkensailour280 chapter 36 . 7/3
Really liking this story, im still thinking that the procpaphy is about harry. Only due to the birthday, they never specify a year only that he will be born. Well he was born. Awesome story! Honestly can't wait for revenge on the Lestrange,
SwimmingInTheRain chapter 36 . 6/19
loved this story only wish i knew how it ended!
thatkid010 chapter 32 . 6/14
Can't wait to see when Harry and Severus will see each other again! Keep up the good work! I wonder when the heck you're going to post again and what's going to happen! I've been thinking of all the different things that can happen and hope that I guessed what you picked. Stay safe this on going 2020 quarantine! It's June 15th for me so it's been 3 years and a couple of months since you updated and 12 years and some weeks since you posted this story and I'm still obsessed!
Izzy chapter 36 . 5/26
Pls update!
Rhea.Lament chapter 36 . 5/18
;_; i love this story. So cute... pls give us a widdle update some time.
JustLaurie chapter 8 . 5/11
I wanted Harry to ask Dorea “what’s kinky mean?” All innocently as revenge.
NevilleGonnaGiveYouUp chapter 31 . 5/10
Recognised being the key word here, I think. I've always had this in my favourites but haven't gone back to the story in a while, glad I did
jrvieira91 chapter 36 . 5/6
amei amei esse livro
bowwow64 chapter 36 . 5/4
This was so incredibly good and I’m so sad there isn’t anymore, I love your writing style and apart from the occasional grammar mistake (we all get them) it was absolutely perfect. I especially liked the way you revealed stuff like when James was going to propose to Lily, you wrote something like “and why was James acting so nervousfrom Harry’s POV) and it was just bits like that that explain partly to the reader what going to happen and creates excitement and tension for what the reactions are going to be to the event. I’m not very good at explaining stuff but I hope you understand and keep writing, love bowwow
Guest chapter 11 . 4/27
hi. i really enjoy your fanfic. its really interesting and written well. I was just wondering how old Harry was in comparison to James ?
deathfollows3323 chapter 36 . 4/11
Just wondering whether the story has been abandoned? It’s been years and the story is really well-put so I personally think it’s not worth being abandoned. You should think about letting someone adopt it and continue it
thatkid010 chapter 36 . 4/5
It's been awhile since I've typed a review and I'm still waiting for the day when there is finally an update! I can't wait to see what you'll put up next. I wonder if you don't update frequently just for the readers to wait in anticipation. I wonder who that person is that you mentioned at the bottom. I hope that you're either going to show us Regulus' or Severus' reaction. I am keen on seeing Severus's reaction above all others. I think that his response would be excellent since we, the readers, haven't heard from him in awhile and Severus probably doesn't even know that Sirius and Harry are a thing and would probably rage over it. I have sooo many questions about this story! Is Severus going to join the Order or is he going to stay a Death Eater? Would Harry's and Severus's friendship rekindle if Severus joins the Order or is Sirius not going to let that happen? Is Lily and James going to die? Are you going to make James' and Lily's child different from our Harry, like making the child have red hair or brown eyes, maybe more of Lily's features implemented? I love your story so far and can't wait to see how it turns out! I wish you luck. :)
JakeTonyy chapter 18 . 4/5
You make Harry such a hypocrite through out this whole story it’s honestly annoying. Yeah he wants to keep his sibling relationship with James but he’s more favorable to James than his actual beliefs.
kidthat010 chapter 36 . 4/2
When are you going to update? I love this story and I want to see more of it.
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