Reviews for Combatant Affections YuAllen
hollylilly92 chapter 4 . 2/10/2016
I don't think Kanda would be that cruel, in this he's a sort of evil. In the anime and the manga it seems like he does have a heart underneath it all to me, given the fact he has risked his life for Allen many times. Although, I do wish you would continue it so we could see how things develop.
A.T chapter 5 . 11/25/2013
You dead? Sequel?
May-Ruzuki chapter 6 . 9/9/2013
I want the promised sequel... .
Guest chapter 5 . 1/26/2013
Continue to a sequel!
sunshineandmoonlight chapter 6 . 10/27/2012
I checked if the sequel was uploaded, but it wasn't! Did you post it on your livejournel account or something? Please! I need to know what happens next!
Parafet chapter 5 . 3/17/2012
Please, please, please make a sequel. This was great, i love it
molly chapter 6 . 8/18/2011
Hi that was actually amazing good punctuation great plot for pervs like me XD loved it x
NoseBleedQueen chapter 6 . 8/8/2011
*barfs rainbows, unicorns and GERMAN SPARKLE PARTIES((RaNdOm DaNcInG :D))* i loved it. *suddenly starts bowing* IM NOT WORTHY! IM NOT WORTHY! Awesome work dude! I read the whole thing and i think there should be way more... Like a...TRILOGY!...*i blame Lord of the Rings for my trilogy loving-ness '-3-* ...I HAVE TO START HIGH SCHOOL TOMORROW SO I CAN'T WRITE THAT GOOD OF A COMMENT. First day of 9th grade *shivers* Pity me..please.
Ining-Batong chapter 6 . 7/29/2011
Oh my gosh a sequel! I gotta see how this turns out!
Ining-Batong chapter 5 . 7/29/2011
Wow, Yuu-chan's so violent and he's hot...driving Allen crazy like that.
Ining-Batong chapter 4 . 7/28/2011
Kanda's such a sadist! And what's Allen trying to do? What the heck is going?
Ining-Batong chapter 3 . 7/28/2011
This is out of characyer for the both of them! Well that's not really stopping me from reading onward.
Ining-Batong chapter 2 . 7/28/2011
...o.O...holy crap! Kanda's starting to freak me out! Rape! Oh crap! Rape!
Ining-Batong chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
...they're gonna kill each other...aren't they?
LeeTaeminADDICT chapter 6 . 7/12/2011
THIS WAS FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC! Can't wait for the sequeal 8D

Hehe, and btw this was really good for your first serious fanfiction :3
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