Reviews for As of Late
Flasher chapter 6 . 11/17/2019
Omg I LOVE ch 6 when Gwen walked in on them it was HILARIOUS! Love ur fics and hope u write more Benvin!
LittlebitFluffy chapter 6 . 6/5/2016
alicedaws chapter 6 . 8/8/2014
Argh! I wanted more! More seriously this was really good, i liked the fact that ben and kevin were together at the beginning and we didn't have too much angst about them getting together
By the way i always wondered how they could pay for all their gas and you gave me the answer thanks!
And thank you very much for this story it was brilliant XP
rainebowbright chapter 6 . 3/25/2013
Oh my god, one of the main reasons I read this is because you said gay-goggles in the description. But now it's in my favorites!
Jakki chapter 6 . 11/18/2012
Oh God BALD BALD! MY EYES!... wait wrong fandom.


Dantalions chapter 6 . 6/7/2011
Ah, goddamn it! Dx

I was going to review about this story was AWESOME, but then ya had to go and write that last line. I can't UN-see it!

Curse you! xD
alyuchiha913 chapter 6 . 4/5/2011
Wow. I totally loved this. What a harsh way to let Gwen in on their secret though. Ouch. Still, this was awesome. Nice work!

Peace Out! _
bree tennyson chapter 6 . 7/26/2010
ok, i apsolutley love the ending :) :) ur rite, u cant unsee that ;) lol. anywayz, i love this story
Benamyte chapter 5 . 3/5/2010
Oh Ben don't be to mad at Ben! If you will, will you continue this one?
xAbellxTennysonx chapter 6 . 3/1/2010
Ok love this story and i love this couple.:)

i never really would have expected these two to be together but i kind of like it. its like they like each other but gwen is out of the loop and has no clue about it. very good.I hope you keep makeing more friend.;D
peterpancake chapter 6 . 4/27/2009
Okay, I didn't like this story for various reasons, and I hope that you will take what I'm about to say as structural criticism instead of flaming.

First of all, I think the setting change was unnecessary. The story would have been better placed entirely in this "bumfuck nowhere" town. Ben and Kevin working out the kinks in their relationship in a gas station in the middle of nowhere...priceless. And I was really looking forward to meeting Bernie and Flo, but they never showed. I think adding them would have been and interesting dynamic. Especially in Flo was a fan-girl. lol.

Ben and Kevin's trepidation about letting Gwen know about their relationship is understandable, but it would have been better (and more in character) to see them stressing about how to TELL her about it, rather than letting it sit. ("How the hell are we going to tell her?" "I'M COVERED IN SLUSHIE, DAMMIT!")(lol)

Finally, You kind of left Gwen hanging. The ending was unsatisfying. The story needs to come full circle, and poor Gwen needs to deal with her issues too.

I hope if you consider a re-write (which I hope you do) I pray that you will take these things into mind. I did like reading it, there were just these issues that made the story generally unsatisfying.

Oh, if you give this, please just drop me a note or something so I know that you at least read it. I'll worry about it if you don't. ;

Thanks for taking the time to read this! Hope I didn't waste too much of your time.

abigail chapter 6 . 4/8/2009
This is hilarious I loved it!
Timothyology chapter 3 . 1/24/2009
"There was a lot of not-staring going on."

has to be my favorite.
Timothyology chapter 2 . 1/24/2009
I have a friend. He's usually the stripper inside. Seriously..

At any rate:

I figured, since I hadn't read this one it a bit, I'd re-read and give you some much needed l
Laughing The Night Away chapter 6 . 11/12/2008
God, You are my idol for writing this. I read this on your livejournal during the summer and got addicted to it. It has now become the center of many inside jokes between my friend and I.

Thank you for writing such lovely beviny goodness.
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