Reviews for Journey Back to You: A Pocohontas Story
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 21 . 9/11
Great job! I am glad it ended this way! What’s next for them? How will the tribe react to John Smith‘s “resurrection”? Will John ask for Pocahontas’s hand in marriage? Will they have children? Will they ever return to England to visit John Rolfe, Mrs. Jenkins, and the King? I know you don’t have a sequel planned, but I really hope you consider writing one! I’d love to read it!
Guest chapter 6 . 10/1/2019
Used some stuff? You've so far just copied the movie!
GIMMESOMEFOODBABY chapter 1 . 8/23/2019
I never liked John Rolfe. He is annoying as FUCK!
Azalea542 chapter 1 . 8/5/2019
First, congratulations on finally finishing this after ten years! It gives me hope for other stories that authors have left hanging. On the constructive criticism side, you need to improve your spelling-all the misspelled words and names are distracting. Sometimes spell check won't catch a misspelled word because it would be the right spelling in another context, but not the one in the story. On the praise side, I like the plot and how things ended up for Ratcliffe. Plus I liked how you turned certain scenes from Pocahontas II around so they made Smith look good instead of making him seem like the wrong choice as compared to Rolfe. Even though like many Poca/Smith shippers, I have a bit of a grudge against Rolfe, I'm glad you didn't make him a villain. That would be the easy way out.
waterproof1995 chapter 21 . 7/30/2019
Thank you so much for this! i have been following this story for quite a few years and I can't thank you enough for finishing it. i have to be honest there was a time when i had lost hope. But you did it! you finished it! so congratulations! I think I'm gonna go and read it again, from the beginning to the end. it's such a good story. Congratulations again! and Thank you!
p.s you have a new subscriber on your youtube channel. i'll be waiting for that trailer.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/26/2019
Please release the next chapter I’m dying to read it!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/26/2019
Love it! Keep writing
pearl037 chapter 19 . 5/30/2019
This scene gave me all the feels. I read the whole thing last night. Please finish. Would love to see the last little part. (:
waterproof1995 chapter 20 . 2/15/2019
wow. thank you for another chapter, this is the best alternative Pocahontas 2 ive ever read. I found it a long time ago and always hoped for you to finish it, so I'm really grateful you're taking the time to do that! The story feels just like it should have been.
Congratulations on your wedding by the way! I hope it's everything you dreamed!
TangledDisneyForever chapter 19 . 9/6/2018
It’s great to see this story active again! I’ve been waiting for quite long time. Anyways I reread everything all way up to ch19! I say I love it! There where some tear jerkers in there!

I know on chapter 19 where John Smith was about to sacrifice himself to Ratciffle to save Pocahontas got me all chocked up there. I felt the pain both were feeling. Smith was feeling defeated and helpless Pocahontas was again at delema rather to stay and try help Smith or go with Rolfe like Smith told her to do, so she be safe.

That whole scene I felt the tension mounting up. I was almost sure Smith would be goner for good. But he surprised us and turn things around and got the courage up enough to throw Ratciffle off guard. Then Smith got Ratciffle back,and he didn’t see it happening!In the end Smith saved everyone.

Well now Ratciffle will be no more of problem. So what happens next for our hero’s? Will John Smith go with Pocahontas back to her homeland? What does John Rolfe plan do now? Will Rolfe finally accept that Pocahontas just doesn’t have quite same feelings for him like he does for her. Will he let her go so she can go back to her homeland with her real true love?

Please update soon!
Anne chapter 19 . 6/26/2018
Please tell me you will finish this!
Chiizen chapter 18 . 5/19/2017
I was wondering, are you ever going to finish this story or not? Because I like it, and I would really like to know how she will save him! (I suggest the appearance of the king, so he can see Radcliffe's real face once and for all!)
Anyways, I loved reading this story, hope it will get finished someday :) (come on, there are only what - 2 chapters left to write? You can do it!)

Mrs. Anthony DiNardo chapter 18 . 9/21/2015
Hey there! If you still wanna finish this I'm totally up for it! I've enjoyed it so far!
Josh chapter 18 . 3/12/2015
Hey you are doing everyone who loved the original romance of the first movie a great service. Don't stop now! John Smith and Pocahontas deserve the happy ending that was denied to them by bad editing, worthless directors and bad animations. I just watched the 2nd movie yesterday and I felt true unbridled rage...I read every single bad review and just loved it. Now you have the power to at least in my mind change things. The spelling and grammar is not on par but my fanfics are not perfect either. Please I beg of you, it for the couple that got screwed over. Let the love for Smith and Pocahontas shine through. I love the story I can even see it in my mind, and I want more, I really want a lot more I want to see it so I can forget that horrible 2nd movie ever existed. Please continue I want to see more of what you can do...don't disappoint us please. I will review many times myself if it means getting the chapter out faster. Please give us more.
Gracekim20 chapter 2 . 2/5/2015
This is really good! The second movie was ok for me but I prefer Pocahontas paired up with John Smith NOT John Rolph even though miss Jenkins was a funny character with the losing glasses gag
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